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Neil cried in his sleep, tiny sobs, barely audible, but Todd was a light sleeper. He got up worried about the brunet and went to sit on his bed. He shook him gently to wake him up, not really knowing if Neil would prefer to be alone at times like this.
He woke up with a start, disoriented.

N- What? What is it? Todd?

Todd ran his thumb gently over Neil's cheek to remove the tear that was running there.

T- You. You were crying in your sleep.

Neil looked confused for a few moments, and seemed to suddenly remember his nightmare.  A veil of sadness passed in his eyes and he put his arms around the waist of Todd who was still seated.  Neil tried as best he could to hold back the tears that couldn't stop coming out.  Todd, not really knowing how to react, hugged the brunette who had wrapped himself around him and began to gently stroke his hair.  After a few minutes, the brunette finally broke away and Todd got up to give him a tissue.  Neil took it and shifted to make room for Todd, the latter slipped into bed and faced Neil who had finally calmed down.

T- I'm here now, nothing bad can happen to you here okay.

Neil smiled weakly at him and closed his eyes, lulled by Todd's caresses of his arm and those hands running through his hair to comfort him. He continued until the brunet fell back asleep.

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