I need to scream

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The door opened on a tired Neil with désappointement in the eyes. Todd who was reading on his bed looked at him intrigued and à bit woried.

T- What's going on?

N- I... I got à D.

T- Oh...

He put his book back on the bed to look at the man in front of him.

T- And, wich class?

N- Maths... I'm a dead man. When my father will learn about this...!

Angers was growing in his eyes, against himself or against the world, the knuckles of his fists were turning white from squeezing.
Todd sat on the side of his bed to be nearer from his roomate.

T- Do you wanna...talk about it?

No answear exept Neil's head falling back from the pression of emotions

T- Or maybe write it?

A little smirks appears on Neils face while he turne his head to Todd

N- Sorry but that's more your kind of thing

T- Then what are you gonna do?

N- Come 

Neil didn't even left the time to Todd to get up of his bed, he grabbed his wrist and started running out of the bedroom, à smile taking the place of anger expression on his face while Todd follows him without hesitation but with a perplexed look. They ran without stopping until the lake.

Neil stopped brutaly and turned to look at Todd, on a pulsion he puts off his coat, threw it on the floor and with à last glance at the blond, he started running again around the lake, as fast as he could, feeling the wind in his hair, and the look of the other man, who just stayed where Neil's left him. Todd was to amazed to do anything at first, finally he choosed to sat on the floor to look at his roomate. He was touched by the freedom wich seems to come out of Neil, Todd wasn't à man of action, but staying here looking at Neil felt good. After à few seconds of running, a loud scream went out of Neil's throat, a beautiful Yap, Todd responded to his scream and watch his friend while the latter threw himself into the grass laughing. When Neil's finnaly came out of the grass, his eyes directly found Todd's ones wich never leaves him a second, the smile was back on their faces. He turns on his back to take à pause while, on the other side of the lake, Todd was taking his book, waiting for the bruent to come back when he will be ready, even if thought his eyes couldn't help but return to his roommate every minutes

It was their way to deal with it, Todd write and Neil screams until they are ready to talk to each other, they respect it.

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