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"What took you guys so long.. we have been waiting for you " Kyung sook said as she placed some things on the table.. niya called the waiter and ordered four cup of coffee... they sat together...

" you already bought your wedding rings ??" . Sehun asked as he sat on his chair comfortably.

" yehh I did.. " Kyung sook said while taking out the another ring box.

"Wait!! .... let me just check ". I said as I opened my diary to check it. " ohh... you're his fiance... I totally.....

"Forget about it". Two of them said it together and sehun just huffs a laugh..

" and what about you.. when you guys are going to make some decision??". Niya asked as I looked down and smiled.

"Ma'am here's your coffee " the waiter placed it on the table and bowed before leaving...

"Listen... I called you guys here cus I picked up a location for our marriage .... we all are going Maldives!!".... Kyung sook exclaimed with joy ....

"This week??" Niya asked.

" pack your stuffs..we decided to had a ceremony at beach... " Kyung sook said.

"Hmm.. and what about honeymoon " I said with evil tone...

" of course I am a money saving wife so ... it's also in Maldives " Kyung sook said.

"You guys can go without me.. I'll come after few day... I had a important business to take care" sehun said as he sipped his coffee and looked at his phone...

"Why!! I mean .... why can't you come with us "... I asked in a little disappointing tone.

"Don't worry cupcake... I'll be there in few days.. " he said as he kissed my cheeks and I just got blushed at his sudden action... why did he kissed me infront of them... why... what on the earth he was thinking...

"Just now by looking at her face I could tell  she forgot that you are her boyfriend... right sia ?? You blushing tomato " .. niya said while rolling her eyes .

"What??!.. h..e my..  what?? " I panicked and opened my diary... and then I saw the third page from the starting....

It was us ..


He was back hugging me and I was kissing him on his cheeks..

"OH... he is ... I... I am so.. sorry.. sehun.." I said in a nervous tone but he just smiled and patted my head...

"Don't worry... I got to used this... your forgetting " he said and he got up ...

"Where are you going " Kyung sook asked.

"I have to go ... I have some urgent work..." he said and left from there..

He came outside and let out a breathe...
"I shouldn't have done this "...
He started walking but as soon as he came outside.. he felt some wetness on his shoulders.. he looked up ... it was raining..

"Shit " . He cursed and started running but he heard someone shouted his name ....

He turned around and found sia running towards him with an umbrella....

She placed it on his head in order to protect him from getting wet...

"You might catch cold ... go inside " he said ... but she took a step closer to him and placed a light kiss on his lips.. he just stood at his place... like the world stopped for him... he didn't kissed her back ... but when he felt her hands pulling him down .. he kissed her back... it was a short kiss.... she pulled away and blushes ....

fates intertwined : Letting In.Where stories live. Discover now