018. And Then There Were Four

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Klaus' pov

When Wren was missing:

It had taken several hours to find a witch. Most were either inexperienced or wouldn't help me. Eventually, we found one; Emery Carrera. It took some time to convince her to help us, but in the end, she agreed to find Wren. She could be pushy, but we had to put up with her for Wren's sake. God knows I've killed people for far less.

Stefan was being his broody self, standing in a corner sulking. Only this time the glint of emotion of humanity that used to be there was gone. He had turned it off, his only tether to his humanity was gone. 

"So who are you looking for again?" Emery asked I only stood lost in my thoughts, I didn't much like Wren being gone. As annoying as she was, she was quite good company. "Hello?" She asked snapping her fingers in front of my face. 

"What?" I snapped back at her and watched as the witch only backed down. "We're looking for someone important to us." I responded vaugly Emery only scrunched up her face as Stefan got up from the wall.

"We are looking for another witch," He told her, being slightly more informative than I was. "Now either you help us, or I rip your heart out." Stefan stated with a cold smirk crawling across his features. As pleased as I was that I had my old friend back, I knew the little werewitch would be devastated that Stefan had flipped the switch. And I did not want to be on the wrong end of her wrath.

"So, if you have another witch, why do you need me?" She asked snarkily rolling her eyes as she spoke. Stefan lunged at her only for Emery to hold up a hand and sent him flying across the room, but as soon as he got up he doubled over in pain clutching his head.

"Ok!" I shouted not wanting to be next, aneurysm spells do still hurt regardless of age. "We get your point." Emery turned to look at me her brown eyes latched onto mine as she studied my gaze. "We're looking for a girl named Wren Parker." I told her.

"What? From the Gemini Coven?" The witch asked curiosity painted over her features at the werewitch's name. 

"How do you know them?" Stefan asked worried, I knew he had heard of them, as had I but they had never been directly mentioned. Emery stood silently looking at the floor, the curiosity had now been replaced by guilt.

"It's ok, you can tell us." I reassured her hoping for some sort of answers. I still knew nothing of Wren's life before she began to stay with the Salvatores, all I knew was that her family was part of the Gemini Coven.

"All I know is what I've been told. They only have twins, but there was an exception when Joshua Parker's wife cheated. The rumour is that the child of the affair will have more power than imaginable." Emery confessed I watched Stefan's eyes widen slightly as I tried to cover the surprise on my own face.

"Can we start the spell then?" Changing the subject but also getting impatient. Emery nodded toward me as she began to get the materials we needed. 


Narrator's pov


The werewitch had said goodbye to her new friends but as she turned to leave Hayley pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm gonna miss you little hybrid." She admitted as Wren pulled away from the hug, looking the werewolf in the eyes, ignoring Klaus' impatient voice calling her name.

"This won't be the end of the road for us," Wren told her as she held out her hand, pinky outstretched. "Pinky promise." She watched as Hayley returned the action before pulling her back into a hug. 

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