Unfortunate V2

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hey this is charlie 2 minutes after the chapter you just read i thought 3 minutes wasnt enough and i wanted to write more <3


"Shuri are you sure he went this way??" Skateboard hurried behind Shuriken on his skateboard, almost falling off his skateboard a few times as the rest ran after Shuriken.

"Yes, S Board! He went this way! To the tower!" Shuriken picked up the pace and sped to the tower.

"He couldn't have jumped so early, right?? I mean, we just had a fight not long ago so he couldn't have just-" Valk startled to ramble. He was just so worried about Boombox. Boombox was his friend since they were young phighters, Boombox couldn't just leave him now.

"Valk. It's okay. Deep breaths, Valk. I-..I'm sure he's fine, we just have to look around!" Skateboard put both his hands on Valk's shoulders, he himself starting to break into tears.

"You guys might not like what I just found.." Shuriken took a step back before taking out his phone to call an ambulance.

Boombox. He was bleeding and his arm was twisted in ways they shouldn't be. Ribs cracked and body bruised. A gruesome sight to see. Valk almost passed out on the spot as he saw the blood leaking from Boombox's mouth.

So here they were. Medkit giving the 4 violent looks of disapproval as he finished bandaging Boombox. He was breathing rather heavy from the rage he felt.

"What..did..you..do." Medkit hissed at the 4. Making Medkit mad. Not a good call. After all, he was one of the only trusted doctors there, yet he could easily choose the most painful way to treat them.


Folding his arms, Medkit leaned back on the table in Boombox's room.

Valk lowered his head as he kept his hand on Boombox's. 

"Well..he stopped being good at phights. So eventually we stopped being around him. Banished him. Completely stopped all interactions with him." Skateboard sighed, turning to Slingshot.

"I didn't think he would actually..end himself." Slingshot fiddled with his slingshot as he avoided eye contact with everyone. He knows he fucked up. He knows he made a mistake. He know he can't be forgiven.

Medkit shot them all an icey cold glare, removing his gloves as he leaned over Boombox to check his condition.

"He's in a coma. He'll be back in just a week or so." Medkit took a seat on the chair beside Boombox as he wrote down a couple of things on a diagnosis.

"When he wakes up, the four of you jolly well apologise to him for simply outcasting him like that, you hear?" The four froze up, nodding to avoid any conflict with Medkit. "Good. I know you 4 have been friends for this long. Don't let this friendship go to waste like that, okay?"

Medkit's gaze softened. They were just kids. They didn't know any better. "Now scram. Let the poor phighter take a rest." Medkit shooed all 4 out of the room with a flick of his wrist, causing all 4 phighters to scramble to the door and leave.

Medkit sighed, glancing over Boombox. He didn't deserve that. Not all those bullying messages. Not all those death threats. Nothing. He just deserved to be happy.

Was his happiness just fake this whole time then?

"Rest well, Boombox. Get well soon."


guys im still disappointed taht i didnt write that much :((

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