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Boombox snapped. Like a rubber band. He finally had enough. He ran. Oh, he ran. He ran to the SFOTH, wanting what he had been longing the whole time.

The sweet release of death.

He placed a hand on his boombox. One. Last. Time.

As he made his way to the top, he looked up at the sky. The lovely fiery red sky. He would never see it again.

With each step he took closer to the ledge, he felt more and more pressure lifting off of him. He would finally stop being a burden to the world. Stop making people mad. Maybe his friends would not forgive him, but that's ok. He just wanted to disappear from earth.

He finally reached the ledge. If he took another step, he'd fall. Fall to his death. He let out a small laugh. "You've come so far, Boombox..ahahaha.....but...why..?" He felt warm tears forming at his eyes. It stung. All life could offer was pain. Enough. He had suffered. Far. Too. Long.

He took one last step.

Goodbye, cruel world. 

i really don't know what I'm doing.💀🔫

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