Panic V2 (might be renamed)

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Boombox had been offered to move in with Medkit. No really. Medkit wanted to keep a close eye on the phighter to ensure he wouldn't try to kill himself again or hurt himself. So Boombox had to pack his things up. After all, his landlord said he would kick Boombox out if he continued to not pay rent.

And so the phighter packed up his things. There wasn't much to begin with, just a small mattress on the floor and a tiny coffee table. And that was it. Boombox began shifting his mattress, hauling it into a box. But then he froze.

A claw mark. Why was it so familiar..?

Boombox reached a hand to his face, tracing over the scar he had. He remembered being relatively surprised when he saw the claw scar in the mirror, but why....why was it so familiar?

And why was there the same claw mark on his mattress? "Think, Bitchbox, think..." Boombox hit himself on the head for some kind of reminder. No luck. Boombox slapped himself in frustration. He stopped. Ah.

That's why. Because goddamn Slingshot decided to slap him while his claws were out. That fucking traitor. Boombox's heart stopped for a moment when realisation hit him. The people who tormented him so much were now so conveniently his friends? Hilarious. The phighter grabbed a picture frame of him and his friends that he had in his room.

"Piece of shit-!" Boombox screamed as he threw the picture against the wall. The phighter stomped on the mess of broken glass and wood on the floor, repeatedly making a horrible shattering noise. He stopped stomping on it after he was satisfied, breathing heavily in and out. A bitter chuckle left him as he exhaled shakily. His heart was going a million beats per minute as he dropped to his knees, tears filling his eyes and making everything go blurry.

Boombox ran a hand through his hair, lifting his visors off his eyes and wiping his eyes. Oh well. They wouldn't bother him as much if they didn't know where he lived, would they? Boombox stared at the mess of glass on the ground. You can clean it later, Boombox. The phighter curled up onto the ground, hugging his knees as he sniffled. Too much to register in a short amount of time. He needed a break.

Boombox let his eyes close, falling asleep right on the cold floor.

Alas, his peace didn't last long. He woke up to a sharp pain in his arm. The glass and wood. He hadn't cleaned it up. A small whimper left Boombox's mouth as he. grabbed tweezers to remove the small fragments of glass and wood, throwing the blood shards away and sweeping up the mess before throwing it away. Boombox glanced at his arm.

His skin was filled with so many scars. Because of how much he had been going through. Kicked. Punched. Name called. Cyberbullied. Drugged. Spiked. The phighter shook the memories away and continued cleaning.

Boombox was done soon enough, calling Medkit to help him load his things into his car and driving off to Medkit's house. A blank look was on Boombox's face as he rested his elbow on the car window, resting his head on his knuckles as he stared out the window. Medkit occasionally snuck glances at the phighter, contemplating if he should at least ask him if he was alright. Medkit sighed and decided to ask anyways.


Medkit didn't get to even ask his question before Boombox jolted, his breath hitching as he slowly turned his head to face Medkit.

"Uh- yeah..?"

Boombox's voice was just weak. Medkit's eyebrows furrowed. Normally he wouldn't care this much about Boombox, but now he did. When did he care this much? Never. Medkit cleared his throat, his focus going back to the road so he wouldn't crash the car and kill both of them.

"Are you..holding up alright...?" Medkit hesitated to ask the question, his words coming out in incomplete sentences. Boombox nodded. Nothing else. "I'm worried about you, Boombox. Just..Just know that if you need someone to talk to, I'm open." Medkit pat Boombox's head, the younger phighter's eyes widening in surprise. He leaned into the touch with a small smile.

That was all he wanted. Affection. Was that so much to ask for?

Apparently yes for Boombox.

The GPS obnoxiously beeped, signalling that they had reached their destination. Medkit opened his door and unloaded Boombox's things. "Well? Hop off." Medkit opened the car door for Boombox. Boombox took a deep breath and unbuckled his seatbelt, taking a step onto the concrete. This was going to be a new start.


i wrote this in school so it was kinda ickily written cause my classmates were STARING 

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