Dealings in the Deserts of Vacuo

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Few weeks earlier during the Menagerie Negotiations

In the Sandy storm of Vacuo, a group of ODSTs along with a group of ten marines. They were waiting for their contact.

Both of them are dressed in desert Camouflage.

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???: It's showtime, Bankson!

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???: It's showtime, Bankson!

Alex Bankson: What do you got, Woods?

Sgt. Hank Woods (Descendant of Frank Woods): Sand, sand, and more fucking sand. Our contact should be on the way.

Alexander Bankson: Reckon we can trust?

Dutch: Well, they fight for freedom and hate the Atlas and the bandits same as us. It's no wonder they're called the Vacuo Resistance.

Midoriya: I guess no one likes Atlas, huh?

Woods: You know me, I don't like ANYONE. Ya'll might want to get your head down.

They all ducked down as the horses jump over them. Then they all raise their rifle towards them.

Woods: Take an easy, Howards. We've delivered the weapons and ammo.

Major Howards, along with the rebels began to lower their weapons.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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