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Xiao Zhan is a crying mess ever since he saw yibo disappearing in that wild blast of mine bomb. Fortunately he has his family to take care of his daughter or it would have a mess.

" He left me because of that Devil, that heartless man took my yibo away from me" said Zhan while lying on the floor and crying. He still has all the memories fresh in his eyes, in his heart when they first came here. It was their wedding night. This house was the gift from yibo because that devil burned our house to ashes.
Thinking of that fire of our burning house I was glad then that you survived from those flames. That the police was on time to rescue you but who could have thought that again I'm going to lose you in the same fire and even in more painful way.


" Zhan.... Zhan you have to survive for our daughter. Please leave from here. I'm going to take to devil away with me. He will Never be able to come close to our daughter and you. I'll be dying in peace. Don't cry Zhan. I left a letter for you. Please read it and don't be mad at me, I'm doing this for our daughter's future. Go now"

"No yibo please don't leave me I'll die without you" said Zhan crying but he can't go near yibo because the officer is holding him tightly

" You'll live Zhan... For our daughter... Say something good last words zhan. I want to hear it for the last time" said yibo still holding haikuan's hand who have no idea what yibo is planning.

Zhan just stand there not ready believing that this really might be the last time he'll be saying those works to his yibo.

" Please Zhan" pleaded yibo smiling with teary eyes

" I love you.... I love yibo.. always... Forever" finally said Zhan, tears falling from his swollen eyes.

"How I wish you ever loved like this" said haikuan smiling sadly

" Not even in your hundred rebirths"
saying that he pulled haikuan's hand and jump from the Cliff together with haikuan. At the same Time that one mine bomb which was unable to dismantle, finally blasted and triggered the others around it, causing a big blast.

"NOOOOO YIBOOOO.... shouted Xiao Zhan trying to get out of officer's grip who was having a hard time holding him from going to that burning hell of fire.

Xiao Zhan couldn't hear anything and couldn't see anything and he just passed out because of what he went through that unfortunate day.

End of flashback

"Yibo... My yibo I miss you... Where are you??... Come back ple... The letter?.. yess the letter yibo said he wrote a letter" saying he got up from the floor and start looking for the letter. Found it on the nightstand. He start reading it with his teary eyes and trembling hands....

My eternal love, my life, my beloved wife. This morning I woke up, and you and my daughter were by my side. They say that no one is remembered after they die. What a big lie !!!. I look at you both, you are my life, my future and my forever, that's what you are. Hey, change the name of happiness, now it's Zhan and hayat because it no longer fits in my heart and I know it can't be, my love is not possible and even if it were, I shouldn't be calmer when I meet you again, if what you feel is called love, but my love for you grows every moment, I should not be afraid of death even a little, I am not afraid and I never will be.

My love, my wife, my zhan. You created yibo, you complemented him with your hands like you do with a painting and brate de fi, I became flesh and blood, what more could I ask for.

My daughter, my aiqing in this world what I fear is losing you, I am no longer me, I have become you because after me you will continue with your life, I leave you, I leave my daughter but I love you or both.

My sea eyes, I feel the breeze of our love that was born in the sea.

I don't know if you will read this letter, listen to their voices inside the house, look for me, you will soon reach the garden. I miss you even when you are not by my side, I no longer find it strange, I have gotten used to it because you are my breath, as long as you breathe I will not die.

Merlava already said it, if you are not willing to die for a person, never tell them that you love them. I am willing to die for you because what I feel is not just any love, it is an ETERNAL

 I am willing to die for you because what I feel is not just any love, it is an ETERNAL

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Let's see if he will survive or not~

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