Chapter 7

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As Yibo witnessed someone plummeting into the sea, he sprinted towards the water's edge and leapt in without hesitation. He swam towards the struggling figure, noticing a rope tangled around their leg. With swift precision, he untied the knot and was about to grasp the person when he realized with a jolt of surprise - it was Zhan, his first love who had left him five years ago.

Yibo quickly retreated from the water, knowing Zhan was safe. Just then, a stranger wearing a white shirt identical to Yibo's jumped into the waves and pulled Zhan to safety. "Are you okay, Master Zhan?" the stranger asked, as Zhan panted and scanned the surroundings, calling out, "Yibo? Yibo? I saw him!"

Zhan's gaze landed on the stranger and he asked, "Did you save me? Do you have a lucky charm necklace?" The stranger shook his head, "No, Master, I don't have any necklace." Zhan's eyes narrowed, insisting, "I saw it clearly! Did you lose it in the water?" As the stranger remained silent, Zhan's eyes scanned the area, and he exclaimed, "I saw him! It was him, I saw his eyes!"

Yibo, hiding in a nearby boat, overheard everything and gazed at the lucky charm necklace his mother had given him before his trip to Sichuan. The stranger helped Zhan into a small boat and escorted him to his car, where Zhan hastily escaped the approaching paparazzi. He sped away, only to stop his car in front of Yibo's house, his eyes fixed on the familiar address.

As Zhan gazed at the gate of Yibo's house, memories came flooding back. Five years ago, he had watched from a distance as Yibo bid farewell to his family before departing for Sichuan. Yibo's mother had hugged him tightly, her eyes brimming with tears, and reminded him to never remove the lucky charm necklace. Yibo had promised, kissing her forehead before embracing everyone, including Leyla. As he drove away in the taxi, Zhan had felt his heart shatter into a million pieces.

He had stood there, hidden from view, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to stifle his sobs. Just then, he heard a gentle voice calling out to him - Ziyi. He had rushed into her arms, crying uncontrollably. But their embrace was short-lived, as Leyla appeared, her expression stern. "What are you doing here?" she asked, her arms crossed.

Zhan tried to speak, but Leyla cut him off, her words piercing his soul. "Haven't you hurt him enough? You bid him farewell, walked away, and now you're back? What more do you want?" Zhan's tears flowed freely as he tried to explain, but Leyla refused to listen. "What's done is done. What's broken is broken. You've ruined Yibo, what more do you want? Just stay away from him. My door is closed to you. Too. You've done is already now stay away from Yibo's life."

With a heavy heart, Zhan turned and walked away, his sobs echoing through the empty streets.

Returning to reality Zhan called ziyi to ask if yibo has really returned or he's mistaken

Zhan's call broke the silence of the night, when she saw his name on the caller ID. She retreated to her room, closing the door behind her, and answered with a soft "Xiao Zhan?"

"Has your brother returned from Sichuan?" Zhan asked, his voice laced with urgency.

Ziyi replied confused, "No, Yibo ge hasn't returned yet. Where did you get that from?"

Zhan's words tumbled out in a rush. "I saw him today, by the seaside. Tell me the truth, has he really come back?" Ziyi responded , "I really have no idea about it, Zhan."

Tears streaming down his face, Zhan whispered, "I must have been mistaken then." He wiped his tears and apologized, "Sorry to disturb you so late, Ziyi."

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