Chapter 2

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Coming out of water, they're both now standing on the terrace of boat with towels around their shoulders. " let's say you know my name somehow. you were here. while you were crossing, you saw me and heard my friend calling my name because the boat is close to my birthday party?" asked Zhan

"you should have put some ice on your forehead. are you better?"

"yess I'm now feeling better.... anyway... let's say it's not a coincidence and you're the man who's eyes I Drew on the bus" again Zhan tried to interrogate him

"have Peng ge put some clothes for you here? you can change into them"

"how do you know our captain? who are you? how did you appear here in a moment?" asked Zhan in a shocked and suspecting voice

"I'm yibo. I mean I'm the man who's eyes you drew in the bus" replied yibo making and innocent face

"I'm serious. who are you?" asked Zhan in warning tone

"okay. now you feel uncomfortable because if me.... you feel into the water and I jumped right after you. if you want you can gather you thoughts together, I'm going" saying he start going and Zhan hold his arm immediately and said in a guilty voice.

" all right.... you saved my life that you very much. Really.... but you too tell the truth. the person who's eyes in drew a month ago. I meet him again in the seabed and after that you gave me information of my life, do you understand?" Zhan tried to make him understand in a very calm voice and smiling nervously.
"and you're not the person I should be afraid of?" asked Zhan jokingly but he's really nervous. what if his crush turned out to be a obsessive stalker or a serial killer??? that would be very scary..

"No. just the way I explained earlier. when I was passing by I saw you. you had your birthday party and your name was written. and I also know brother Peng. because here we know all the captains." yibo explain again. smiling sweetly

"and you also have a boat?" Zhan also asked smiling at yibo but yibo immediately stopped smiling and said while awkwardly rubbing his nape and licked his lips

"No... I don't have a boat but I take care of all the boats here from refining and oiling. that kind of stuff. I don't work for whole day but I help them every now and then" replied yibo and smiled a little but again stopped smiling when Zhan asked knowingly

"but it's not only because you like to help, right?" Zhan said smiling slightly and looked away knowing the answer.

"No..., Not" replied yibo and both didn't talk for a good few minutes. both were thinking what to say now as it suddenly turned awkward.

are you not surprised" suddenly asked Zhan squinting his eyes at yibo who looked away
"I have told you that I Drew you but you don't look surprised at all" keeping his eyes on yibo and raising his eyebrow asked Zhan

yibo keep looking here and there trying to hide his smile and Zhan laughed softly looking at him and said "nobody says that I draw you everyday of course" and he laughed even more looking at the shy yibo who's still not able to look at him but keep smiling

" of course not" he whispered looking at Zhan and looked away again.

Zhan suddenly stopped smiling and said in his serious tone

"are you saying you're going to increase the Mistry a little?"
yibo was about to answer but Zhan cut him and said
"but let me tell you from now on, in any moment I can get to win this game. take that into consideration"

yibo smiled at him and looked down. then both smiled at each other. just then he heard his brother's voice calling him

"ZHAN" he heard Cheng shouting his name

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