Chapter 5

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As they sat at the table, fidgeting with anticipation and waiting for his arrival. But instead of the familiar smile and warm eyes zhan was expecting, a chill ran down his spine as a sinister figure sauntered into the restaurant. Her brother's eyes widened in unison with hers, their faces draining of color. they're scared not of themselves. Zhan is scared for yibo and Cheng is for zhan.

"haikuan!?!" they both muttered under their breath

cheng's hand  hand instinctively went to his arm, a protective gesture. The haikuan's gaze lingered on him.

As Haikuan's menacing figure appeared, Cheng swiftly rose from his seat, a forced smile plastered on his face. "Haikuan ge, what a surprise," he said, extending a hand in greeting. "Please, join us."

Zhan seized the moment, his eyes scanning the bustling restaurant for a staff member. Spotting a passing waiter, he swiftly beckoned him over, her voice low and urgent as he whispered in his ear. "Please, don't let anyone named Wang Yibo in. Tell the doorman to turn him away."

The waiter's expression remained neutral, but a flicker of understanding flashed in his eyes as he nodded discreetly and continued on his way. Zhan's eyes followed him, her breath held as he approached the entrance and discreetly spoke to the doorman.

Meanwhile, Haikuan and Cheng were engrossed in a conversation, oblivious to the subtle exchange.

they settled on their respective seats. haikuan staring at Zhan and Zhan looking here and there. avoiding eye contact with him.

As the waiter returned with a refill of their drinks, Zhan's eyes met his, a silent thank you passing between them. he knew he had bought herself a little time, but he was aware that Haikuan's obsession would not be easily deterred. he's also worried that yibo will be mad at him that I cancelled the meeting without informing him.


Wang Yibo approached the restaurant entrance, a smile on his face as he anticipated meeting Zhan and his brother. But as he reached the door, the doorman blocked his path, a firm hand on his chest.

"Sorry, sir. Your name, please?" the doorman asked, his eyes scanning the list on his clipboard.

"Wang Yibo," he replied, confusion creeping into his expression.

The doorman's face remained impassive. "I apologize, sir. You can't go inside"

Wang Yibo's brow furrowed. "That's impossible. I had a meeting with Mr. Xiao Zhan. There must be some misunderstanding."

The doorman checked again "I'm afraid not, sir. Master Zhan cancelled the meeting with you. I'm afraid you can't enter."

Wang Yibo's eyes narrowed, his mind racing. He pulled out his phone and dialed Zhan's number, but it went straight to voicemail. He tried again, and again, but the calls remained unanswered.

A sense of unease crept over him. Something was off. He knew Zhan wouldn't cancel their meeting without a word. A feeling of concern for her safety began to gnaw at him...

Wang Yibo paced back and forth outside the restaurant, his eyes fixed on the entrance as he waited for Zhan to emerge. He tried calling him phone again, but it remained unanswered
so he just waited.


"are you waiting for someone?" asked haikuan looking at Zhan

"No. we wanted to eat here for a long time and today finally we decided to give it a try" replied Cheng instead.

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