Chapter 1

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The results are gonna be out today and I'm pretty sure that I'm going to pass with good enough Marks and I'll be graduating soon. I just came to pick up some books from library then I'll go to see my result. it might already be on bulletin board.

he picked up the book he needs and gave it to library teacher
"Wang Yibo section 3" he gave his name and left the library to see his marks and ohhh he got an A. pretty good. he left with a smile and texted his father.

yibo's father's barbershop
" wait a second, yibo's message" saying yibo's father open the chat box and smiled "my strong boy, he scored 90. he passed another exam. he's going to finish University this way" he said putting his phone down and getting back to work.

" Wish him luck" said the customer smiling.

"thanks, god bless him" said yibo's father.

"you too. you're going to be become the father of mining engineer" said the customer chuckling.

yibo's brother haoxuan just stand there looking at his father and the customer.

"wish him best. he studied to this degree and become smart" said haoxuan shrugging and smiling faintly.

"listen, call your mother and tell her to prepare a beautiful table for tonight" said his father looking at him.

"what does she do bad? grill lamb?" he said at his father expressionlessly. his father chose to ignore him tho.

bus stop~

I (yibo) just got into the bus that u heard the bus's door being banged from outside. standing a beautiful boy (Zhan) was banging the door and the driver opened. he came smiling and went to the driver, gave him money but driver said no to the money. you need bus card to pay. looks like it's his first time in the bus.

"you can pay from my card" I said taking out my card and he looked at me and smiled. ohh gosh he looks so adorable when he smiles and that mole under his lips is so attractive.

"thank you... thank you" he said taking the card from my handbut he looks at the card and then looked around and finally looked at me with an awkward smile and said " ho... how to use it?"

it really is his first time in a bus

"let me help" I said going toward him and suddenly the bus came to a halt and with a jerk he came into my arms. he smells sweet. he looked up at me and laughed saying sorry while trying to standing straight while I said it's okay... it really is okay he can jump onto me as many time as he wants.. it felt weird but nice kind of weird.

"you can sit there" I said pointing my finger to a certain seat which just got vacant " that seat is not taken"

he looked at me then at the seat and did so obediently. he sat down on the Seat.

they keep stealing glances while hiding from each other's eyes.

Zhan took out his sketch book and start to draw some random lines which eventually turned out to be yibo's eyes. he's looking at him and keep drawing.

but yibo changed his place to stand behind Zhan's seat. Zhan hurriedly flipped the page and started to draw the old man who was sitting behind yibo.

yibo keep looking at what Zhan is drawing and smiled when he saw how good and real Zhan can make someone look in his drawings.

Zhan felt the eyes on him so he looks back to see and yibo immediately looked another side causing Zhan to smile secretly.

unfortunately yibo can't enjoy the stranger's company anymore because his way to work has came. so he got down the bus and stand there looking at Zhan who was looking outside the window. and the bus went away.

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