Chapter 6

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5 Years later

Inside the mine construction, engineers were busy drilling, excavating, and inspecting the tunnels. Mine engineers oversee the extraction of minerals or resources from the earth, ensuring safe and efficient operations. They monitor the stability of the mine, manage drilling and excavation teams, and inspect the quality of the extracted materials.

Yibo, a mine engineer, approached Mr. Zhao Hakki, pointing to a specific area. "Sir, we need to inspect this section. There's a cavity or a void here, and I'm concerned about its stability."

Just then, a shout echoed through the tunnel. "Gas leak! Gas is leaking!"

Panic spread quickly. Yibo yelled, "Everyone, put on your masks and evacuate the area immediately! Help each other, and move quickly!"

As the engineers scrambled to safety, Yibo ensured everyone was accounted for before turning to follow them. His voice echoed through the tunnel, urging them to hurry. "Go, go, go! Don't look back! Get out of here, now!"

The scene is intense and chaotic, with a sense of urgency and danger. The engineers are racing against time to escape the mine before the gas leak becomes catastrophic. Yibo's leadership and quick thinking are crucial in this moment, as he prioritizes the safety of his team.

As the engineers fled the tunnel, the walls began to crack and collapse, showering debris everywhere. Yibo, too, was caught in the chaos, pinned under a pile of rubble. He struggled to free himself, finally managing to crawl out from under the wreckage.

Gasping for air, he grabbed his emergency oxygen mask and put it on, his vision blurring momentarily. He stumbled forward, his eyes scanning the wreckage for any sign of his colleagues.

As he stumbled through the wreckage, he came across engineers trapped under rocks and soil, and he rushed to their aid, pulling them to safety. His heart raced with every step, his lungs burning from the dust and gas.

Then, he spotted Mr. Zhao, his body pinned under a massive boulder, his eyes fluttering closed. Yibo sprinted towards him, his voice hoarse from the dust. "Mr. Zhao! Sir, are you okay?"

With a Herculean effort, Yibo lifted the boulder off Mr. Zhao's chest, pulling him to safety just as his eyes began to glaze over. Yibo held him upright, supporting his weight as they both stumbled towards the exit, the darkness of the tunnel slowly receding behind them.

Yibo's voice echoed through the tunnel, "We need help at the west exit! Now!" His cry for help was answered by the swift arrival of the rescue team, who rushed in to evacuate the wounded engineers.

Yibo's voice echoed through the tunnel, "We need help at the west exit! Now!" His cry for help was answered by the swift arrival of the rescue team, who rushed in to evacuate the wounded engineers

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