Chapter 9

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Zhan stood at the mountain cliff, gazing out at the scenery below, searching for yibo. His eyes landed on two children laughing and playing together, their kite soaring high in the sky. Watching them, a pang struck his heart, and tears began to well up in his eyes.

Seeing there's no yibo waiting for him to come he burst into tears, his body shaking with sobs.

"Fool! You're a fool, Zhan!" he muttered to himself, wiping away tears harshly that continued to flow. "What were you expecting anyway?"

crying, Zhan turned and began walking back home, his pace faster than usual. He kept wiping his tears, but they refused to stop.

As he walked fast while sobbing and muttering 'you're a fool zhan',

"Zhan?" Leyla called out, her voice soft and gentle. She was feeding the street cats, the cat food I'm her hands.

He didn't respond, but instead, threw himself into her arms, still sobbing. Leyla accepted him willingly, holding him close as he continued to cry. She stroked his back and hair, trying to comfort him, and asked softly, "What kind of tragedy have you faced now?"

Zhan looked up at her, his eyes brimming with tears, and Leyla sighed, her expression a mix of worry and compassion. She led him to her house which isn't too far from Zhan's Manson.

As Leyla opened the door to her house, she stepped inside, and Zhan followed closely behind. But just as he was about to enter, Leyla turned around and gently stopped him. "You're not bringing tears into this house, remember?" she said with a soft smile.

Zhan nodded, quickly wiping away his tears with his sleeve. Leyla's expression was understanding, and she took his hand, leading him inside.

As Leyla led him inside, Zhan blurted out, "Yibo is here. I saw him last night." Leyla smiled knowingly and teased, "And our boy (Zhan) is ruined..."

Zhan continued, "And the one who saved me last night was Yibo too. I know it. I saw him in my dream, and then I saw the kite this morning, so I thought he might have sent me a sign or something...but..." He trailed off, realizing he might be overthinking things.

Leyla quickly interjected, "And who said he didn't send you any signal?" Zhan looked at her, confused, and Leyla's expression changed to one of nervousness. She stuttered, "I mean, how would I know, yeah? I don't know. Let's go inside." She hastened her pace, entering the house quickly.

Zhan followed behind, his mind racing with possibilities. He couldn't help but wonder if Leyla knew more than she was letting on. 


In a packed office Hall, a tense atmosphere filled the air as business moguls gathered for a high-stakes bidding war. Haikuan and Yibo sat facing each other, exchanging subtle smirks.

 Haikuan and Yibo sat facing each other, exchanging subtle smirks

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