Chapter 4

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"I NEVER HEARD OF AS NASTY SUGGESTION IN MY LIFE" shouted jiamin walking out of the room. jing tong and yizhou tailed after him.

"jiamin calm down" said Jing tong

"can we even bargain on this topic as well?" asked jiamin looking at yizhou angrily

"jiamin please calm down" Jing tong keep trying to calm her husband down but he's too mad to listen to her right now.

"ENOUGH! No sale!! the company will not be sold. the agreement is TERMINATED"  jiamin half talked and half shouted crossing his arms in NO

yizhou just stand there unaffected. hands in his pocket and said " you should think before taking big words"

"yes jiamin. please please" pleaded Jing tong and jiamin looked at her in disbelief and then shouted looking at both Jing tong and yizhou


just then Zhan came out of his room. Cheng was downstairs in the living room so just looked at them from downstairs.

Zhan looked at his father with big eyes

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Zhan looked at his father with big eyes. he never saw his father so angry and what's he talking about son not for sale?

"please go I don't want to hurt you even more. and when you leave, think about how nasty you offer me"  said jiamin gritting his teeth in the last part.
Zhan hurriedly come toward his father to calm him down.  yizhou when saw Zhan he said to Zhan now "Zhan, word for you that you made a decision for your family"

"if Zhan wanted this, it could have happened a long time back" said jiamin. he knows his son well and will never force a decision on him.

"jiamin we haven't asked the boy yet" said Jing tong pointing at Zhan

"you already know how things are Jing tong" jiamin looked at his wife and then looked at yizhou and said "get out right now or might really hurt you"

"jiamin think about it or you will lose everything..." he was about to say more but Zhan's scream of cheng's name stopped everyone
he's having a seizure again. Cheng laid there on the floor like a frozen dead body, eyes rolling up and only the white of his eyes could be seen. everyone panicked and ran to Cheng

"BRING THE PILLOW QUICKLY" jiamin shouted ordered the maid afsane who's working for them since the kids were little. she ran to bring the pillow

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