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Considering JP took the day off, I'm cooking in the kitchen today. Chelsea and another waitress run orders out and I continue making food. I have been working since eight and it's almost three, the replacement walking in. I smile, finishing an order before he takes my place.

"Can you run this last one out?" Chelsea asks, my head nodding.

I grab the plate and walk over to the booth with her, my lips curving.

"Ro, how are you?" Anne asks, my lips curving. Harry is sat across from her and his eyes are instantly on me at her words.

"I'm good. Good choice on the BLT," I grin, her lips releasing a laugh.

I set Harry's burger in front of him and he glances between the food and me.

"Thanks, Rosalie," he says, my head nodding. I only smile, intrigued by him.

"Harry, she prefers Ro," Anne says, his eyes on me.

"It's fine. He can call me Rosalie," I say. She nods and Harry looks at his food, my eyes watching his eyebrows furrow.

"Mum," he states, Anne looking at the food.

"Oh, dear. Ro, do you think you can get him pickles? He needs pickles," she says, my head nodding.

"No worries. Give me one second," I say, Harry clearly unsettled by the fact he has no pickles. I grab a dish of pickles and set them on the table for him, Anne calming Harry down.

"You alright?" I ask, his eyes flickering back to meet mine. He sighs and nods, setting pickles on the burger.

"Can I get you guys anything else?" I ask, Anne looking everything over.

"I think we're good."

I nod and walk into the backroom, my hand waving to Chelsea before I go home. Once I'm home, I sit outside and read with Nan. The quiet is nice and the sun beats down on me for the last couple hours.

The doorbell rings and I excuse myself, Nan smiling as I go up to the door. After unlocking it, I swing the door open and smile when I see Harry.

"Hi Harry," I grin, his eyes locking on mine.

"Rosalie," he nods, my feet walking out of the house. He runs his hand through his hair before shoving it back into his pocket, my body standing in front of him.

"Are you alright?" I ask, his lips pressing together.

"I-I wanted to say thank you... for the pickles," he says, my lips curving. This is so cute.

"No problem. I'll get you whatever you need," I tell him, his head nodding.

"I have to go," he says, my eyes still locked on his green ones.

"Okay. I'll see you soon," I smile, waving before he walks away. Once I lock the front door, I walk back out to Nan and we continue reading.

"I heard you two," she says, my head turning to look at her.

"He sounds...nervous," she says, my mind pondering the thought. Perhaps Harry has anxiety?

"I don't mind. He's intriguing, that's for sure," I explain, my hand rubbing my eye.

"In what way?"

I smile, knowing exactly what I'm intrigued by. "He doesn't smile and he is very observant. I mean, he doesn't break eye contact and his eyes are the most intense things I've ever seen."

"What color are his eyes?" she asks.

"This bright shade of green," I say, her lips curving.

"Green eyes are so rare. They're so pretty to look at," she sighs, my lips releasing a laugh. She's only saying this because my grandfather had green eyes. She said they were like emeralds.

Reaching Out To You (h.s. au)Where stories live. Discover now