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Upon entering the house after being with Rosalie the entire afternoon, I walk into the house and my sister jumps onto me.

"I got engaged!" she says, showing me her finger. A huge ring sits on it and I grab her hand, watching her expression get happier.

"Harry," she cheers, my arm awkwardly wrapping to hug her.

"Congratulations," I say, her lips curving.

"Come on. Be happy for me Haz," she says, my lips lightly curving.

"I am," I tell her, her lips releasing a laugh.

I don't understand why girls get so excited over engagements and stuff. My entire teenage experience I had thought I would die alone, but that's changed drastically since Rosalie.

"Harry, Nan called to tell me her and Ro are going out of town for a surprise trip. Nan is doing it for Ro's acceptance," mum says, my eyes widening.

"What? I-I," I rush, suddenly panicking because I won't be able to see her again tonight.

"Calm down. It's only for tonight," she assures, rubbing my back while Gemma moves in front of me.

"Have you been sleeping with her?" Gemma asks, my mind trying to remember how to phrase this without seeming as though we've had sex. Louis' correction left me the realization that I can't say I've slept with her.

"Yes, he has. He goes over to her house every night," mum says, my head shaking.

"I don't have sex with her. That won't happen," I rush, freaking out that they think I do that.

"We know Harry. It's fine," Gemma assures, my chest heaving before I relax.

"I'm going upstairs," I say, not wanting to be this way anymore. I rush upstairs and shut my door, turning on my TV to distract myself. I watch movies all night so I don't fall asleep, my head bobbing to fight sleep.

I've gotten so many thoughts from these movies, wanting nothing more than to give her movie romance relationship. No one thinks that kind of relationship exists, but I will give her that. She deserves that.

"Harry, we have to go to Dr. Carl," mum calls, walking into my room. She takes in my appearance, surely dark circles are under my eyes from the lack of sleep. I can't sleep knowing Rosalie won't be the one there to distract me from the nightmares.

"You didn't sleep," she says, my head nodding.

"Oh, Harry, you can't do that if she's not here. What are you going to do when she's at college?" she asks, my heart sinking.

The college thing. I was immediately upset when she told me but I shoved it aside, wanting to see her happy. The one thing I'll never do is hold her back from going to school to make her future brighter.

"I don't know. I haven't thought about it," I tell her, her hand rubbing my back.

"You don't have to worry about anything, okay? You tell me if you want to visit her and we'll go," she says, my head turning to look at her.

"Really?" I ask, making sure I heard her properly. She nods and I do as well, her hand removing from my back.

"Now, you shower and we'll go to the doctor," she says, my head nodding.

The whole day seems like a blur because Carl is trying to get through to me but I can't today. There is nothing I want to talk about.

Rosalie isn't home again and I try to go to sleep, but as soon as my eyes close, panic and horror flashes through me. My body shakes and I shout, desperately trying to shake the thoughts from my mind.

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