Ducks and Deer

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radioapple oneshot! This chapter will be disastruous!

Alastor let a growl escape his mouth as Charlie had forced him into yet ANOTHER of her strangely unpleasant ideas.

Lucifer also seemed to be annoyed.

"Awe! That's adorable!" Charlie squeeled.

No... No it was NOT. The two were wearing a stupid 'get along' shirt over their usual attire, and Alastor hadn't had time to brush his hair, meaning it had big curls on the ends. Luci hadn't had time to wake up... Or something, and had several ducks planted in his hair, which he wasn't wearing a hat on top of.

The overall appearance was a pain in and of itself. They should really tell her...

"Euh... Char Char... Um Charlotte-"

"Charlie!" Alastor cut Luci off, causing the short king to blush and cover his face with the shirt.

"Yes? Do you like it?"

Alastor was about to dump the whole truth.

"Yes. The thing is... Me and your father are sort of an... Item..."

Charlie's eyes grew even wider. "WHAT?!"

Alastor continued, "after the fight with Adam... I was wounded. Luci agreed to help in secret, and I suppose afterwards we just formed a bond."

Chatlie looked like she was going to explode.

Vaggie chuckled and placed a hand on Charlie's shoulder. "Calm it down, hon."

Charlie nodded. "You're not just saying that because you want to get out if the shirt?"

"No!" Alastor and Lucifer said simultaneously.

"Then prove you love each other! Dad, let Alastor hold your most precious duck, and Alastor, let dad pet your ears!"

Within less than a second, Luci handed Al the duck, and began to pet the deer's ears. No complaints could be heard from either of them.

Charlie squinted her eyes with a 'hmmmmm' sound.

"Still not convin--"

Alastor started purring, and went completely limp. Luci tried catching him, but because of the shirt, they were both pulled to the ground in a pile.

Alastor, around purrs, mumbled: "Curse my sensitive ears..."

The two lovers chuckled, and nuzzled their noses together.

"I'm convinced." Charlie stated.

Angel walked in, and an idea hit him.


And so started the war over Alastor's love--

Just kidding. Alastor and Luci were disgusted, and as you can imagine, Angel found a very unpleasant thing in his bed that night...

... A cooked piece of pork chop, and a letter reading: YOU SICKO! (Ps. Fat nuggs is alive, come find him in my room)

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