Chapter 10

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After the court hearing, Trevor was told by the judge to work with the prefects. As long as he cooperates and reverses the damages he's caused, his crimes will be pardoned. But Trevor hasn't been very cooperative. Since his release, he's been slowly reverting to his old behavior.

- If we want to make things normal again, you're going to have to work in a team, Trevor. That includes working with Adal, I say.

- But that doesn't make things normal. We've always had a sheer hatred for each other, Trevor says.

- What about yesterday. You said you wanted your brother to forgive you. And the judge said you have to be on your best behavior, I say.

- Just because I said all that back then, doesn't mean it applies now, Trevor says.

- You were lying to me, I ask.

- Not necessarily. When your life's on the line, there's a lot that comes off your chest, Trevor says.

- Then you meant it. So you must do this, I say.

- I will not, Trevor yells. Trevor takes a deep breath, slicking back his hair.

- Look. I'm sorry for yelling at you. There's a lot on my plate right now. Just tell me what you want me to do first, Trevor says.

- Talk to your brother and apologize to him. That's all I'm asking of you. Only then will things smooth out, I say. Trevor pushes his chair back and slumps down deeper into the seat, heaving a sigh. Then he gets up and paces around the room, deep in thought.

- I have another solution, Princess, Trevor says.

- And that is, I ask.

- Let me make a deal with you, Trevor says.

- A deal. But, I say. He slams his hands down on the table.

- We're doing a trade-off, Trevor says.

- Okay, fine. What do you want, I ask.

- If I apologize to Adal. You need to promise me you won't choose him as your husband, Trevor says.

- Huh. Why are you asking that of me, I ask.

- Are you saying you like him, Kira, Trevor asks.

- I do like him, I say.

- In what way, Trevor asks. I grow flustered as I collect my feelings. Trevor grows annoyed by my silence.

- Just promise me now, Trevor says.

- I promise, but, I say.

- But what, Trevor asks.

- This is only valid if everything goes as planned. If you don't apologize sincerely and Adal doesn't accept. The arrangement is off, I say. He smirks and chuckles.

- Ah, starting to think like me, huh. Fine. But I won't lose, Kira, Trevor says. Trevor places his hand on my shoulder, pulling me out of my thoughts.

- If I'm going to apologize, I'll need your help. I doubt Adal will talk to me on his own, Trevor says.

- Yeah, I'll help, I say.

I pace the halls, waiting for Adal to show.

- I don't want him to see Trevor just yet. If he figures out what I'm trying to do, he might just run away. I need to butter him up first, I say in my head. I look down at the note in my hands that'll tell Adal to meet me at the balcony. But instead, he'll meet Trevor and I'll be hiding, watching the whole thing.

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