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Jungkook circles the white and gray coloured terrace to find a weak spot for him to break into the house. Since he's actually not that cruel, his plan is simple. He gets inside the house, finds the owner and just headshots her to die. That's it, it'll be a fast death. And luckily, the house doesn't even have any security system protecting it from other people's violence. Which is kind of a surprise, but it makes his work here easier.

"Wonder where did you get your money to kill me. You can't even afford a proper security to save your life. " Jungkook whispers, eyeing the kitchen window as he figures that he'll just get in there by breaking it.

He then searches for a big rock to throw, finding one big enough behind the bushes as he makes a show of giving the rock a kiss before he takes a distance and throw the rock hard on the window, immediately shattering the glasses open.

"Okay.... Here we go." He then wishes himself a goodluck as he scans the sides of the window for any signs of someone already waiting for him when he sees there's no one there but him.

So far so good, Jungkook thinks. He then lands his feet on the brown kitchen floor, eyeing the surroundings of the house in silence before he begins to walk towards the living room, trusting his instincts to protect himself. The whole entire house is dark and silent, as if no one is here. Or maybe, she's already asleep. It's already one in the morning, after all.

After he sees that there's no one downstairs, he begins to move towards the stairs. His sharp eyes catching the sight of the picture of a girl that matches with the profile picture of the texts he saw in Blair's phone, sighing when he now knows that he's in the right house after all.

He also sees tons of other K-pop group's posters hanging on the ceiling.

Jungkook rolls his eyes.

This girl is nothing but a dumb and deranged obsessed fan that would do anything to get rid of him, it seems.

Jungkook watches his steps while he walks upstairs, seeing three doors leading to a different room before he opens the first one, immediately angle his rifle to shoot in case if he sees someone.

But the room is empty.

Jungkook frowns.

He then goes towards the second room, his rifle on standby as he blinks when he sees that no one is there, too.

So she lives alone? Jungkook thinks.

He then walks silently towards the third room, which is the one at the middle.

He twists the door knob open a little bit before he pushes it using his shoe, angling his gun towards the person that is indeed, sleeping on her little comfy bed without any care in the world while Jungkook's whole team was killed brutally.

Low fucking cunt, Jungkook huffs.

He instantly shoots her right on the forehead.

But then, he hears another gunshot, and it's not coming from his gun.

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