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It has been ten minutes since Jungkook has left Jimin and Aiden in the car. The single mother is waiting anxiously, trying to calm his racing thoughts and hoping that Jungkook will be alright when suddenly, he hears a knock at the side of the window. And for a moment, he thought it's Jungkook, already finishing his job. But what he sees instead after he turns his head to the side, is a man with a red devil mask, waving his hand at him.

And he has a bat in his grasp.

"Oh my god," Jimin whispers as he instantly takes his rifle that Jungkook had gave them. Before he ever gets the chance to shoot, though, the man lifts his baseball bat and smashes the window open, before he throws his bat and takes out a gun from his pocket.

"LEAVE US ALONE!!" Jimin shouts, angling his gun towards the guy too as the purger tilts his head. And then, he lets out a chuckle that Jimin sures he knows all to well.

"You." Jimin hisses, gritting his teeth in anger at the amount of the audacity of his ex husband has. "What the fuck do you want."

"What do I want?" Asher asks, his tone low as he grins devilishly under his mask. "I want you to die. And I want the kid. Now be a good boy and open the door." He says with a calm tone as Jimin barks a laugh. "No."

He then presses the trigger, shooting the guy at the chest as Asher stumbles backwards a little at the impact, groaning painfully before he laughs. "Nice shot. Almost good enough," He groans a little bit.

Jimin hears a gunshot coming from the house as he freezes, hoping that it's Jungkook that's shooting before he holds his breath, determining to finish this guy off.

He's been testing his patience since earlier.

"Aiden, you stay in the car. Close your eyes and ears."

"Yes, mommy." The kid just nods, scared and shy around strangers in general most of the time before Jimin opens the car door nonetheless, stepping outside with his gun as he walks towards his ex husband, shooting him at the both of his legs and earns himself a loud painful scream.

"FUCK! How dare you-"

"No," Jimin makes sure to kick the gun from Asher's hold when he falls to the ground, pressing the tip of his rifle on the guy's masked forehead. "How dare YOU. First you married me for your dumb fucking business-" Jimin hits the guy's head hard with his rifle, watching Asher's head falls to the side with a strangled noise before he grips his hair harshly, removing his devil mask from his face as Jimin clicks his tongue, feeling a complete utter disgust.

"Then you cheated on me with your damn secretary."

Jimin shoots his dick.



Jimin shoves the tip of his gun in Asher's mouth. The guy's screams are muffled while Jimin grins sadistically. He didn't want to do it in the first place since it's bothersome, but this low of a man needs to die.

"Go to hell along with your small fucking dick." Jimin whispers with a harsh tone before he blows the guys head off with his gun, a piercing loud gunshot sound fills the air as his brains scatter messily on the ground.

Jimin feels like he could puke from that scene alone when he hears a low whistle coming from his back.

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