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The height difference between Walker and Leah was very evident.

Everyone seemed to notice. Walker especially.

He found their height difference endearing. Leah not so much. The constant teasing would bug her to no end. He didn't seem to mind though, her height was one of his fave things about her. Her short stature was absolutely adorable.

He likes how he can rest his head atop of hers whenever they hug. How easy it is to pick her up or carry her. How cute she is whenever she's reaching for something on a higher level grunting in frustration when her fingertips graze what she's reaching for. "You need some help Leah?" He'll say before ultimately grabbing whatever she's reaching for and handing it to her.

"I could've got it myself ya know." She mumbled.

A smug smile will adorn his face knowing he was basically her tall savior.

Leah one upped Walker in almost everything they did. He didn't mind though as long as she was happy. But being taller than her and most people his age had its perks.

Around the time Walker and Leah first met they were both basically the same height. They'd now grown to be 5'2 and 5'7. He'd often made short jokes that drove Leah insane. She'd slap his arm or shove him which he thought was absolutely adorable. It was like a baby deer vs giraffe.

He'd always be there for her regardless of how much he'd make fun of her for being short.

One time in particular they were outside on Leah's front lawn goofing off. Her parents decided to go out for the day so it was just the two of them. It was a lovely day so they decided why not get some fresh air.

Walker was sitting on her porch steps watching her roller skate on the concrete pavement.

"Leah be careful." He said anxiously.

"M' fine stop worrying." She giggled.

"If you say so" Walker replied.

She'd already fallen before on the skates and every time his heart would drop. He'd hate it if she got seriously hurt. If he had it his way he'd have her out of the skates and back inside. But she'd convinced him she was just fine.

"I'm gonna get a bottle of water real quick." Walker said.

"Alright be quick though." Leah stated

Walker scoffed, "Don't rush me."

Leah playfully rolled her eyes as Walker got up and walked into the house. Making his way to the kitchen he opened her fridge pulling out a bottle of water. Twisting the cap he was about to put the bottle to his lips before he heard a loud crash to the ground.

His heart sank.

Running back out the front door he saw Leah laid out on the concrete groaning in pain with a cut on her knee. "Oh my god Leah are you okay?!!!?" It was a stupid question to ask of course she wasn't okay!

He swooped into action scooping her up in his arms bridal style and carrying her inside. He turned towards her kitchen rushing to place her on the counter.

Tears cascaded down Leah's face. She was a whimpering mess. Her breaths were shallow and ragged.

"Walker.." was all she could say.

He hated seeing her like this. "Don't worry I'm gonna take care of you." He said reassuringly. He turned to leave the kitchen for a moment. Her hand was holding onto his wrist.

"Please don't go." She pleaded.

"I'm only gonna be gone for a second. I need to get a first aid kit." He noted.

She whimpered as her grip on his wrist grew tighter. He sighed knowing she wasn't letting go anytime soon. He needed to get her wound clean soon so it wouldn't get infected but she was making this difficult. "C'mon." He sighed in defeat before wrapping his arms around her waist and picking her up.

He waltzed through the house till he found the guest bathroom. Leah's arms and legs were tight around his body, her head nestled in his shoulder. He hardly even noticed with how light she was. He picked up the kit navigating back to the kitchen sitting her back on the counter.

His hand rested on her unaffected knee patting it reassuringly. "Ok I need to clean ur scratch with alcohol and it's gonna burn a little." He advised.

Leah bit back her fear and nodded. Walker took the alcohol pad cleaning her wound. Leah's hand flew to his bicep. "Hey hey it's ok". He assured her.

He then grabbed the ointment squeezing a small dot onto his finger before rubbing it over her cut. He pulled out a large bandaid smoothing it over her cut.

"There, all better now." Walker said.

"Thank you."She said, wrapping her arms around his neck in an almost crushing hug.

For such a small person she had some crazy strength.

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