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  One day, Leah finally decides to bring it up

  They were sitting in Walker's room watching a movie in awkward silence. They both sat on his bed, a safe distance away from each other.

  Leah was really getting fed up with Walker's antics. Numerous times she would try to reignite the conversation that was supposed to transpire in the hotel room but he would always play dumb or find an excuse to leave. Leaving her heart to ache and wonder what she did wrong.

  The movie night was her idea of course. She needed to get him alone to finally confront him. She was in Pennsylvania visiting some family when she decided to go visit Walker. He reluctantly agreed not knowing her true intentions.

  So here she sat waiting for the right moment to confront him. Problem was she was not a very confrontational person and neither was Walker. That's one of the things they had in common. They'd much rather keep things a mystery than go looking for answers they didn't want or need. But somehow someway Leah worked up the courage to say something.

  She fiddled with her hands and chewed on her bottom lip. Turning to Walker she let out a quick sigh.

  "Walker, can you please tell me what is going on with you." She whispered.

  A lump formed in the blonde haired boy's throat. He kept his eyes glued to the TV screen not moving a muscle. He made the mistake of shifting his eyes and meeting her intense gaze. He'd been hoping that she'd drop the topic of the conversation in the hotel room. All the courage he had to tell her the truth died the second he left that hotel room. He didn't feel like talking about it anymore. He was quick to make up an excuse.

  "Uh I think I hear my mom calling me, be right back." He attempted to stand up but Leah pulled him back down by his arm.

He gulped. They were sitting face to face now. Her hand still on his arm.

  "Your mom's at the store." She deadpanned.

  "Oh. Right." He says looking down at his socks. His eyes shifted to her socks, observing how they dangled a few inches off the ground. It was insane how someone so small could intimidate him this much.

  "Well I think she left something on the stove and I should go check on-" He's cut off when Leah maneuvers her legs to straddle his hips.

  Clearly the soft approach didn't work the first time and this time she was determined to get answers from him.

No more running away.

  He's certain his face is flushed red. "Leah what're you doing?" He grumbled.

  His hands fly to her hips in an attempt to lift her off of him but she's too quick, grabbing his wrists in her hands and pinning them above his head. She's directly on top of him now. He mentally curses their stunts trainer for the excessive training. When did she get so strong?

  She looms over him with a scowl on her face.

  "I'm really getting sick of your games." She bellows. "I can't believe I keep putting up with this, I came to your hotel room to comfort and talk to you and you just toss me to the side like nothing. I came here to spend time with you and you're treating me like a stranger!"

  "Leah please just-"

  "No! I'm tired of you getting me all worked up and then just leaving."

  "Getting you all worked up...?" He questioned. "What are you talking about?"

  She lets out a frustrated sigh.

  "Are you serious Walker..." she says. "You literally kissed me then left. Who does that?"

  "Leah I'm sorry ok. I-I was scared." He admits.

  "Please explain to me what's going on with you... with us." She croaks out, the heat leaving her words. She feels her eyes start to water but keeps a strong expression on her face.

  He sighs gently. She retracts her hands from his wrist sitting up. He follows her movements, sitting up and wrapping his arms around her waist.

  Here goes nothing

  "Leah, I love you. I think I'm in love with you. Whenever I'm around you my mind seems to wonder. I do things I don't mean to do and-"

  Her eyes once intense now soften. She cuts him off wrapping her arms around his neck in a crushing hugging. She giggles to herself. "Walker, you don't think I know you like me?"

  "Well I didn't wanna weird you out because you don't feel the same." He says sorrowly.

  "Who says I don't feel the same way? I thought it was pretty obvious that I like you too." She says matter-of-factly.

  "You- you like me?" He says dumbfoundedly

  "Of course I do, why else would I let you kiss me or sit in your lap or give you a whole fashion show of my bikini-" she chuckles.

  "Ok ok I think I get your point." He says sourly

  "And don't think I don't see you always staring at me. I could feel your eyes burning holes into my chest. Plus you're always mumbling stuff under your breath when you think I don't hear you." She adds on.

"Also not to mention you literally sniffing my neck." She continues with a smile.

  He cuts her off. "Ok look I had it bad for you and I'm not afraid of admitting that anymore. It didn't matter what you were doing. Talking, walking, smiling, god and when you wore that dress at the premiere." He replies truthfully.

  "I left all those times because I assumed it was a one-sided thing and I couldn't face it. I thought if I told you how I felt you would reject me and our friendship wouldn't be the same anymore."

  She pulls him into another hug planting a kiss on his forehead.

  "I love you Walker, never forget that."

  "I love you Leah."

  He's happy

  She's happy

  They're happy together

  And they wouldn't have it any other way.

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