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  At some point he realizes he's staring a lot more than usual. It's become a thing.

  Anything he does that relates to Leah always becomes a thing.

  He's shied away from touching her in any way shape or form because he thinks that's why he reacts the way he reacts around her. He was kidding himself with this one.

  He should know by now that even if he isn't touching Leah he's still gonna find an unintentional way to embarrass himself.

  Like right now for instance.

  He's at a movie premiere with Leah, currently being interviewed. He's created a safe distance between the two. Big enough that he can't unconsciously reach out and wrap an arm around her but still small enough to where no fans won't theorize why they seem so far apart.

  His plan seems to be working well until of course his eyes start to roam all over her. She's answering questions from the interviewer about god knows what but Walker doesn't seem to have a care in the world. Too busy trying to disrobe her with his eyes.

  He takes note of how elegant her braids look in its updo style, his mind conjuring up images of his hands tangled in her hair.

  Ok what the flip.

  He shakes off these silly thoughts, his eyes venturing lower on her person. Landing on her pillowy lips. He reminisces about when he kissed her. How she whimpered into his mouth, the way their lips fought for dominance, the way he wanted to...

  Ok wow he was really getting ahead of himself.

  He needed to look away from her now or he'd be in trouble very soon. But it was like he had no control over himself anymore. He tried to keep his eyes leveled with hers but failed miserably. His eyes drifting lower until they landed on her necklace.

  He realized very quickly she was a minimalist when it came to jewelry. For her a little went a long way. Which is why a singular gold necklace with an Athena pendant hung from her neck. He smiled to himself knowing he had a Poseidon necklace with a similar pendant embroidery.

  Innocent adoration right?

  His eyes curved along the chain of the necklace down to the pendant where it was nestled between her breasts. A million thoughts racing through his mind at once.

  Lucky pendant. He thinks to himself.

  God he really had it bad for her. Before he could stop himself his eyes fall to her dress. A bright yellow dress that compliments her skin complexion. He notices how the fabric clings to her frame showing off her subtle curves. Her long legs peeking out from the dress catch his attention.

  They're always so smooth, so shiny.

Jeez he really needed some self control. Here they were in a public setting getting interviewed and he can't stop imagining his hands running up her legs.

  Like seriously, what was his problem?

  All this built up self control out the window because he can't keep his eyes to himself. In a way he's annoyed at Leah. Who told her to leave her house looking this pretty? He was fighting the strongest urges to not to pull her close and kiss her until they're both out of breath.

  If he had it his way they'd be leaving this movie premiere and heading back to the hotel.

  He makes a mental note to pluck his eyeballs out.

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