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  Her hugs are perfect.

  He misses her hugs.

  How she would get on her tiptoes and wrap her arms around his neck. Pressing her body firmly against his. Being able to wallow in her warmth without a care in the world.

  He liked her hugs when he was feeling sad or exhausted or whatever. She somehow always knew when he needed a hug.

  Though he hadn't had a hug from her for a little while now. He hadn't really touched her in a while either. Leah slowly started to notice this.

  Whenever she would try to touch him he'd shy away. If she tried holding his arm or wrapping her arms around him he'd back away from her touch.

  He was avoiding her like she was the plague. Not sure what exactly she did to him.

  Was he mad at her?

  Did she do something to upset him?

  One day after a very long day of filming Walker finds himself lounging around his hotel with not much to do. He'd usually be hanging out with Leah right now watching a movie, talking about scenes they were gonna shoot, or just enjoying each other's company. But that was not the case tonight.

  He was exhausted.

  Not because of filming or interviews but because of having to avoid his best friend and keep up this fabricated facade.

  Everytime Leah would ask to hangout he would have to make up some lame excuse for why he couldn't do it. He hated the way her face contorted everytime he rejected her proposals. Those big sad eyes she would give him tore him up inside. He was fighting with himself not to give in.

  He knew he'd hurt her feelings but he needed to put himself first. For every time he was near her he had no sense of self control and didn't know how to act around her.

  So here he was sitting in his hotel room feeling helpless and alone. He felt like shit in all honesty. His heart felt like a knife had been struck and twisted into it. He'd grown so accustomed to being by Leah's side all the time that anytime he was alone it'd just be gloomy and lonely. Tears threatened to fall from his eyes. Before he could have a chance to let it all out he heard a soft knock on his door.

  He let out a shaky breath and wiped his eyes. Getting up and answering the door.


  She was the last person he expected to see at this time. Not to say he was upset that she was here right now but, it felt out of the ordinary with his current circumstances.

  He tries to keep a neutral expression on his face but Leah seems to see the sadness in his eyes. He steps to the side out of the way to let her into his room. Closing the door he follows behind her. He sits on the edge of his bed. Leah settling for standing in front of him with her arms crossed. Awkward silence falls over them.

  He tries to smile to reassure her but just knows he's falling miserably, the smile looking more like a grimace. He has way too much on his mind, thoughts pour out of his head and onto his face. He feels like crying, his crystal blue eyes glistening with tears ready to fall.

  After staring at him for a long period of time she moves forward standing between his legs, holding her arms out to him. He wraps his arms securely around her waist, his head resting against her chest. She embraces him warmly, his body relaxing in her touch.

  She's not exactly sure what he's upset about but it doesn't matter because she's here for him regardless.

  She doesn't know how long they stay there like that, holding each other. Just enjoying each other's warmth. Making up for the lost time.

  He missed this

  He missed her

  He especially missed her hugs and the warm fuzzy feeling they gave him.

  He looks up at her through his lashes, his face still nuzzled against her chest, taking in her beauty. He missed being this close to her. She looks down at him, gently holding the back of his head and stroking his shaggy hair.

  "Can you please tell me what's wrong?" She asks softly.

  His stomach twists with anxiety. All the tension and unease in his body returning. He knew at some point he would have to come clean to her about how she made him feel, he just thought he would have more time to gain the courage to do so.

His palms start to feel clammy. What if he confesses and she doesn't feel the same way? Questions swirl around in his head doing nothing to tranquillize his already troubled state. He lets out a shaky breath.

It's now or never

"Leah I-"

  A knock at the door interrupts his confession and stills their movements.

He lets out a small sigh of relief. Praying it's someone who can help him out of this situation.

  "Yo Walker, me and Aryan are gonna watch this movie wanna come? Charlie says.

  Walker stands up pulling away from Leah.

  He doesn't hesitate to respond. "Uh y-yea sure hold on." He shoots back.

"Alright we're gonna be in my room." Charlie states behind the door before walking back to his room.

  "Um I've gotta go." He says to Leah plainly.

  "O-okay." She tries her best not to sound hurt. She came here to see him, to comfort him and talk to him and now he's just up and leaving.

  Leah's obliviousness is one trait Walker is super grateful for. If she knew the true nature of why he was acting strange he wasn't sure there friendship would survive.

  The awkward silence returns. Leah refuses to stick around any longer. She turns on her heels and lets herself out.

  He lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding. Running his hands through his hair.

  Right when he thought things were getting better between the two he's back at square one.

Maybe next time he'll have the courage to say what's on his mind.

Hopefully there is a next time.

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