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  Leah has always been a very fashionable person.

  So it was no surprise Walker found himself looking at her outfits or rather how she looked in her outfits a lot.

  Her wardrobe consisted of mini dresses, mini skirts, bootcut jeans, cargos, funky sweaters, chunky shoes, and lots and lots of crop tops.

  All too fascinating in Walker's eyes. He'd taken note of how each color of her outfit meshed together. Colors corresponding well with each other.

  He'd also taken note of how well her clothes fit on her. The way her tops clung to her chest, the contrast of her gold jewelry against her bronze skin, how her shoes gave her an extra inch or two, and the way her dresses and skirts hugged her lower half.

  Her clothing, like many aspects of her, were distracting to him.

  She was a growing girl, and he just so happened to catch on to what exactly was growing.

  He was a teenage boy with eyes after all, sue him.

  Season 2 production was approaching fast as the days went by. With casting and other pre production elements at work, the production team decided to fly out the Percy Jackson cast. Initially for chemistry reads for new cast members auditioning and screen test.

  They'd been staying at Leah's house for the past week. With not much to do after their trip to Disneyland. But it didn't bother them much being with one another was just enough to keep them occupied.

  "You guys wanna go in the pool?" Leah chirped.

  Dior nodded in agreement. "Yesss it's nice and sunny outside." She said getting up to get changed.

  "I could go for a swim." Charlie shrugged.

  Leah looked to Aryan and Walker for their confirmation. They both nodded in agreement. "Hey, maybe you two can practice that siren scene." Aryan teased.

  "Dude shut up." Walker laughed.

  "Alright I'm gonna get changed." Leah said following in the direction of the stairs in which Dior ascended.

  Walker watched Leah climb up the stairs. Her hips swaying side to side with each step she took. She was truly a sight for sore eyes.
  "Havin fun?" Aryan chuckled, pulling Walker out of his trance.

  "What are you talking about?" He asked disingenuously.

  "You're not as slick as you think." Aryan smirked, patting his shoulder before heading over to the guest room to change.

  "I seriously don't know what you mean." Walker followed trying to sound as innocent as possible.

  Dior was the first one down back into the living room donning a orange floral print two piece. Aryan and Charlie followed after her both in black swim trunks making their way to the pool.

  Walker exited the guest room sporting light blue swim trunks, continuing to the back door leading towards the pool.
  "Is the water warm?" He shouted to Dior.

  "It's a swimming pool.. no it's not warm!" She shouted back, quivering from the coldness of the pool.

  Charlie merely chuckled at Dior and Walker's banter before slowly entering the water realizing just how cold it was.

  "Yep, it's super cold in here." He said practically frozen in place.

  Aryan was quick to jump into the water. "Yall are so dramatic it's not even cold." He said confidently.

  "I guess I'll just see for myself." Walker said ready to make his way into the water before he heard his name fall from Leah's lips.

  "Walker, could you come here real quick!?" Leah hollered from upstairs.

  "Uh yea hold on." He said confused on what she might need.

  "I'll be right back guys Leah needs me." He said

  The trio in the water gave each other a knowing look before giving Walker a smug look.

  He rolled his eyes, quick to turn on his heel and zoom upstairs to Leah's room.

  He knocked softly before the door swung open revealing Leah in a blue bikini.

  She pulled him inside her room shutting the door behind him. Grabbing his arm she pushed him towards her bed beckoning for him to take a seat. He obliged, sitting on the edge of her bed.

  "Ok so I need your honest opinion on this. She gestured to her bikini top and bottoms.

  He gulped, not sure how to put how he felt in words.

  He knew she looked good. Like really good. As his eyes were glued to her bikini top mouth hanging slightly open.

  "Uh I-it looks good—great actually." He commented.

  "Are you sure cause I don't wanna look crazy." She replied. "Here let me show you the back." She said before turning her back towards his direction.

  He swallowed hard. His eyes dragging from the string tied around her neck, down her slender back, and to the apex of her bottom.

  He's sure his face is as red as a tomato at this point. His eyes refusing to draw away from her backside.

  She turns back around facing him oblivious to the panic and distress she's caused him over something so simple. She walks up close enough to where she reaches to put a hand on his shoulder. His breath caught in his throat.

  "So what do you think? And be honest." Leah asked eagerly for his input.

  If he didn't respond soon she'd think he thought it was ugly and he was an absolute jerk. But if he did respond without the right words she'd think he was a complete idiot. He chose to go with the first words that came to mind

  "You look absolutely stunning, blue suits you well." He confidently answered.

  She smiled brightly, engulfing him in a hug. "Thanks walk!"

  "No problem." He muttered into her shoulder.

  "Now let's go get into that water!" She giggled, grabbing his hand and tugging him along with her towards the pool.
  "You look hot." He muttered barely audible to himself. Glad that he decided to go with stunning instead.

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