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She's smart.

Like really smart. And creative of course. She's very open to learning new things.

That's what he loves about her the most.

He remembers her coming to his room and waking him up in the middle of the night to go over lines and reread the Percy Jackson books for the millionth time during season one filming. She was very determined to learn her lines and act like her character to a T.

All while helping him with his schoolwork during their breaks. Walker didn't like school time on set very much but Leah was always there to make it fun for him, coming up with new and interesting ways to keep his attention drawn to the work.

He likes seeing her work.

The intense stare she has when she's listening to their teacher break down the curriculum. How she'll bite her lip when she's trying to figure something out, how her eyes light up when she figures it out.

He loves to see her succeed. Succeeding in anything she puts her mind to. So it's no surprise when she's the one to win Percy Jackson their first award. Her persistence and dedication is hot.

He has a certain respect for her that he's sure will never change.

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