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Ok so he was starting to lose his mind around her.

He didn't understand how all these insignificant things about her could consume his mind. Whipped wasn't a strong enough word to describe the way he felt about her.

Really there wasn't any word to describe his feelings for her.

He noticed every little thing about her. From her hair, to her lips, how she talked, even her laugh.

And now her scent.

He knew she smelled good.

She used lots of different hair and skin products that were very fragrant. Some of her hair products smelt like coconut and shea butter which made her hair very soft and sweet smelling. While her skin products smelt of cocoa butter which was fairly similar to the smell of chocolate.

She was like a piece of candy and he'd often have to resist the urge of biting her. Whenever the opportunity was presented to him he never missed the chance to inhale her scent for a prolonged period of time. Not in a creepy way of course but it was like he'd become possessed by the scent of her.

If he had walked into a room Leah had previously been in he'd immediately know with her scent still lingering in the air.

Her perfume fragrances varied, some smelling similar to chocolate, vanilla, or coconut. He'd inhale it as if it were his last breath.

Which is why today's incident isn't very surprising. He's gotten used to embarrassing himself around Leah.

Leah was chilling in her room waiting for Walker to come over. It'd been a while since the pair had spent time together. With Walker in town the two decided to spend the day at Leah's hanging out.

Mrs.Scobell's car pulled into the driveway of the Jeffries home. Walker eagerly jumping out of the car. "Bye mom, see you later." He shouted in her direction before heading towards the front door.

He knocked impatiently. The door swinging open revealing Mrs.Jeffries.

"Hey Walker, how you doing?" She said hugging him.

"I'm good, how are you?" He replied.

"Great thanks for asking, Leah's right upstairs." She smiled. "Holler if you need anything."

"Ok thanks." He said climbing up the stairs two at a time.

He approached her door knocking twice. Pulling the door open revealing Leah with a gleaming smile.

He swiftly pulled her into a hug with her replicating the gesture.

He recognizes the perfume she's wearing almost immediately. It must be a new fragrance because it's not one of her usual signature scents.

This one is more fruity, sweeter than her other ones. It's very tropical but too citrusy to be coconut.


A new favorite of his immediately.

The scent is faintly in her hair but already has a strong effect on him. His brain is telling him that if he put his face closer to her neck, he would be able to smell it much better.

So of course.

He listens to his brain.

Because that's always been reliable in his decision making right?

He doesn't even consciously think about it. He just does it. His head slumping, seemingly without his own input into her hair. His face moving closer and closer until his nose bumps into her neck. With his eyes closed, he drags his nose from the base of her throat until it bumps against her earlobe. He then moves back down until he's nuzzling her neck, letting out a deep groan.

He can smell the perfume so well here.

Her scent is intoxicating with his arms involuntarily tightening around her. He's practically drunk off her aroma too out of it to realize he'd had her up against the wall.

She's alluring, heavenly.

And then, he opens his eyes.

And he sees her eyes.

Notices the compromising position they're in.

And that-

That brings him back to reality.

To this situation. With Leah stiff in his arms, her hands holding onto his shoulders as if that's the only thing keeping her standing, his face against her neck and a cutting silence.

He moves his eyes to hers. She has that look in her eyes again. The one that makes him melt away.

He doesn't know how to proceed. How to act or what to do.

He stays in that position for a moment thinking of ways to make this situation less awkward.

When he comes up with nothing his brain tells him that, first and foremost, maybe he should stop pressing his body into hers and unwrap his arms from around her.

His movements are slow. He's looking everywhere but at her.

"W-walker..." is the only thing Leah can say with a heavy breath.

Her chest is heaving and the look in her eye is dangerous.

"I-I have to use the bathroom." He says zooming out of her room.

While "using the bathroom" he calls his mom to pick him up.
  He makes up some lame excuse to Leah for why he has to leave avoiding her eyes.

He clearly has a problem and Leah is clearly the common denominator.

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