8. Need Time, Need To Talk

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Erin POV

It had been six weeks since Damian had left, six weeks since she made him run. I knew he would need time, he would come back when he was ready I just hadn't imagined it would take this long, she must have really messed him up.

He had called me to let me know he was OK and he was safe and really that was all I needed to know. But I also had Kayla at my door everyday demanding and update on Damian and to know where he is.

Of course I told her nothing, even if I knew anything I wouldn't tell her at this point. Damian had no reason to see her now, they were done and she needed to let him go.

Though I was doing my best to respect his need for time and space I missed him and I needed to talk to him face to face.

Taking out my phone I dial his number not sure if he will answer or he will agree to my request.

"Hey mi amor" he says the sadness still there in his voice

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" I ask

"I'm getting there" he sighs "I miss you"

"I miss you too" I sigh "I was wondering if you would be willing to tell me where you are and let me come see you?"

"You don't want to see me like this" he says "I promise just a little more time and I'll be home"

"D, I need to talk to you about something but I don't want to do it over the phone" I say "please let me see you?"

"What's wrong baby? Are you hurt? Are you sick?" He asks worry in his voice "what's happened"

"I'm not hurt and I'm not sick" I soothe "but something has happened that we need to talk about"

"I don't know baby..........."

"Enough" a voice says in the background

"Hey give me back my phone" I hear Damian shout

"Erin, Carino" a familiar voice says

"Luis?" I say, of course I should have known he would go to his dad

"Yes, he's staying with me" he says "please feel free to come over anytime, I think no I know it will be good for him to see you..........he needs you"

"You know I would be there in a heartbeat" I sigh "but he has to want me there, I won't force myself on him"

"Hijo you want her here don't you?" He asks

"Si papa" Damian says "of course I do, but she might not like what she sees"

"Tell him I will love him no matter what" I smile "and I will be there soon"

Damian POV

As my dad ends the call I take a deep breath. I was a mess I hadn't been looking after myself very well and I did not look good.

Walking across the room I look in the mirror, my beard is grown out and untidy, my hair is wild and I look like I haven't slept for weeks.

As I stare at myself my dad comes to stand behind me and places his hands on my shoulders.

"Come on hijo, she'll be here soon" he says "take a shower at least, you smell like a well used gym"

"Alright dad point made" I say chuckling a little "I'll go take a shower"

I make my way to the bathroom and turn on the shower. While it warms up I sort out some clean clothes for when she gets here.

Stepping under the water I close my eyes, the water hitting my skin is kind of soothing. I wash myself and my hair throughly before getting out and grabbing a towel.

I brush my hair slicking it back a little and that's when I notice my undercut needs tidying up, I had let it grow out a little without realising.

I'm almost ready when I here the doorbell and then my heart starts to race. What is she going to think when she sees me?

"Hijo she's here" my dad calls out

"Be right there" I call back

I make my way to the living room and soon as I walk through the door my eyes land on her and my heart skips a beat. She looks beautiful, glowing even.

When she sees me she smiles brightly and slowly walks over to me. When she reaches me she warps her arms around me and holds me close and I just melt onto her.

"Hi" she whispers

"Hi" I whisper back

"Thank you for letting me see you" she says moving back from me slightly "hmmm somethings have changed a little but you still look really good" she smiles

"You think so?" I ask

"Yep, you always look good to me" she says

"You said you needed to talk to me, is everything OK?" I ask

"Everything I'd fine" she says "let's sit down and talk, I didn't want to do this over the phone I wanted to be with you" she says as we take a seat on the couch.

"Do I need to be scared?" I ask

"No........I don't think so........I mean I am a little but it will be ok" she says "you see for the last week I hadn't felt too good and it was a familiar feeling so I did something"

"What did you do?" I ask

I watch as Erin reaches in to her bag and pulls something out. She takes one of my hands and puts it flat placing a very familiar white stick on my hand.

"I did this" she say quietly "we've been given another chance"

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