13. Surprise

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Erin POV

Walking through the airport I was a mixture of nervous, excited and tired. While I travelled alot for my job I had never done a flight that long before and I was glad I wouldn't be doing the return flight alone.

Damian had wanted me to accompany him to Scotland and I wanted to go but until very early this morning I hadn't been able to shift my schedule around. A disappointed Damian had flown out alone yesterday and I had somehow managed to get a last minute flight out straight after my boss had called.

Damian had no clue I was about to show up at his hotel room, no idea I was here or that I had been on my way here and I couldn't wait to see his face when he opened the door.

I had taken a taxi from the airport to his hotel to avoid getting lost. Walking up to the reception desk I'm greeted my a woman eyeing my suspiciously.

"Can I help ye?" She asks

"Yes could you tell me what room Damian Priest is staying in? He's not expecting me I'm here to suprise him" I ask politely

"Sorry I cannae do that" she says "we aren't allowed to let fans up to their rooms, I'm sure if you wait outside he will come out soon"

"Oh I'm not..........."

"Erin! My god how long has it been?" A voice calls out and turn to find Rhea walking towards me with a big smile on her face " how are you?" She asks wrapping me up in a hug

"I'm good just having a little issue here" I sigh "I wanted D's room number so I can suprise him but they won't tell me. They've said to wait outside with the other fans"

"They what?" She gasps "Excuse me this lady is not a fan, she is the significant other of Mr Priest and I'm sure he'd be none too pleased with how you have treated her" she says to a terrified looking receptionist "now I'm going to show her up to his room and from here on out you treat her with the same respect as you treat us"

"Yes....of course" she says nervously "would you like me to let him know your on your way"

"No thank you it's a suprise" I say "he thinks I'm back home"

Placing an arm around my shoulders Rhea guides me towards the lifts shaking her head.

"Don't you think you were a bit harsh back there?" I ask

"Not at all" she says "they had no right to assume you were a fan"

"Yeah but they didn't know otherwise they were just doing what they thought was right" I say "but thanks for the save"

"Anytime" she says as the lifts open "sixth floor room 634" she winks "besides we both know you aren't appropriately dressed to be standing outside"

"How did you........" I ask as the doors close. How could she possibly know what I was wearing under this long coat? Was it that obvious that I was planning to suprise him in a sexy way?

Eventually the lift reaches its destination and following the signs I find myself outside his room in no time. I raise my hand and knock lightly and I hear a bit of scuffling.

"Coming! Though I'm fairly sure I have at least one more..........Erin?" He gasps the second he opens the door, the sight of me stopping him mid sentence

"Suprise" I say nervously "last minute change of schedule so I got the first flight out"

For a moment he just looks at me the biggest smile on his face. As he watches me I undo the belt on my coat and allow it to fall open and reveal the rest of my suprise. His eyes widen as he takes me in, without a word he throws me over his shoulder, grabs my case and bundles me into the room.

"I can't believe you travelled all the way here and dressed like that" he says putting me down

"Oh I didn't I changed at the airport and then got a cab" I smile as he takes hold of my hips

"You are a bad bad girl" he says in a low deep voice as he pulls me close "but so damn sexy with it" he says before crashing his lips on to mine.

He wastes no time lifting me up and trapping between his body and the wall. His lips caress their way down my body to the valley of my breasts, I let go of him to remove my bra and throw it away.

"I'm sorry to be impatient baby but I can't wait to have you" he growls as I feel him move my thong to one side, free himself and then then trust into me.

"Damn papi is in a hurry" I chuckle and he let's out a low groan

"Fuck I love when you call me that" he growls thrusting into me again and again.

My fingers tangle in his hair as my legs tighten around him, I can feel that we are both getting close to the release we are so desperate for.

Knock knock knock

"Whoever is at the otherside of that door, if you are going to tell me it's time to leave you better run before I open it" he snaps not moving from the spot

"Sorry Mr Priest but your car is waiting" the guys says and then I hear him scurry away.

"They can damn well wait until I'm ready" he says turning his attention back to me "I'm no where near done with you and I'm not leaving until I am"

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