Chapter 2

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Isabel barely slept that night, her restless excitement for the impending circus visit bubbling within her like a wellspring of joy. Saturday loomed on the horizon like a beacon of promise, promising her a day filled with wonder and magic. Each time she returned from her deliveries, she found herself fussing over her dress, smoothing out imaginary wrinkles and adjusting the hem just so, as if the perfect attire could somehow enhance the enchantment of the day to come. Even her cooking seemed infused with an extra dash of flavor, her father's announcement of their circus plans injecting a newfound zest into every dish.

As the night of the circus finally arrived, Isabel spared no effort in ensuring she looked her best. With meticulous care, she cleaned her dress until it gleamed, tying her hair back with the old blue bow her father had gifted her long ago. In the mirror, she saw not just herself, but a reflection of the excitement that pulsed through her veins. There hadn't been much excitement in her life lately, but now, there was something magical to look forward to.

Daniel, her father, entered her room, dressed in his best attire: a crisp dress shirt and tie, brown pants, and worn leather shoes. His eyes twinkled with pride as he regarded his daughter, a living reminder of her mother's grace and beauty.

"It's already time," he announced with a smile, and Isabel's heart skipped a beat in anticipation. Together, they made their way to the wagon, where Cherry, their faithful horse, awaited patiently. With a practiced hand, they hitched Cherry to the wagon and set off towards Martha's Vineyard, the crisp nightly air filled with the promise of adventure.

As they journeyed towards the circus grounds, Isabel's excitement spilled over in a torrent of questions. What would the circus be like? What wonders awaited them under the big top? Daniel regaled her with tales of daring acrobats, majestic animals, and colorful performers, each word adding fuel to Isabel's already blazing imagination. She listened with rapt attention, her mind spinning with visions of dancing elephants and flying trapeze artists.

Finally, they arrived at Martha's Vineyard, where they parked their wagon and set out on foot towards the circus. The town was alive with anticipation, the air buzzing with excitement as the vibrant lights of the circus beckoned in the distance. Isabel walked alongside her father, her steps quickening with each passing moment, until at last they stood before the entrance, guarded by a clown and a short, burly man collecting tickets.

Inside, the sights and sounds of the circus assaulted Isabel's senses in the most delightful way. The air was alive with the scent of cotton candy and popcorn, mingling with the sounds of laughter and music. Performers of all shapes and sizes darted about, their colorful costumes a blur of motion against the backdrop of the big top.

Isabel's eyes sparkled with wonder as she took in the spectacle before her. Clowns performed tricks, muscular strongmen lifted weights with ease, and trained dogs leaped through hoops with precision. It all seemed so new and exciting, yet strangely familiar, as if she had been here before in some long-forgotten dream.

Her thoughts were suddenly  interrupted by her father, who handed her a bag of caramel-flavored popcorn and a stick of cotton candy. With a grateful smile, Isabel accepted the treats, savoring the sweetness of the popcorn as she gazed in awe at the towering tents that loomed before them.

"THE MAIN PERFORMANCE WILL BEGIN IN FIVE MINUTES!" a voice boomed over the crowd, causing Isabel to jump in surprise.

"I think we should head inside now," her father suggested, and Isabel nodded eagerly, her heart racing with anticipation. Together, they made their way towards the main tent, ready to immerse themselves in the magic of the circus.

Isabel and her father settled onto the golden-hued benches encircling the circus ring, their hearts aflutter with anticipation, unaware of the wonders awaiting them. As they waited, Isabel's palms grew damp with nervous energy, her senses tingling with the excitement of the moment, still trying to grasp the surreal reality unfolding before her.

"WELCOME TO THE OUTLANDER'S CIRCUS!" A familiar voice boomed. The same tall man suddenly appeared, his mustache still curling around his face and his grey eyes directed to the crowd.

"My name is Frederick Smitchz and I am the ringmaster of this circus! Now we have many performers who are excited to show you what they got tonight and I'm sure you are also thrilled to see what our circus has to offer! Now to begin we will start off with our acrobats!" Suddenly a group of very colorful men and women emerged from behind the tents doing flips and carousels. Isabel stared at them in awe, her eyes traveling with them as they did flips all across the stage. Her heart pounded everything felt so surreal in front of her, this was all bizarrely new and the tingling in her fingers increased with each new act that came forth to her eyes and ears. The ringmaster kept introducing all these acts from clowns to trapezes and even large animals, her favorite were the lions. Her excitement came short though when he made his final acts known but Isabel was suddenly faced with something she'd never seen before.

"Now I shall present one of my favorite acts, please welcome the most grotesque yet abnormally extraordinary being in the circus! The Cheese Boy!" Isabel's eyes shot wide open at the small thing that was pushed in front of the spotlight, he seemed to be trembling but he was odd looking. His skin was jagged and he did seem to be made out of cheese, there were holes all over his body but what captivated Isabel were his eyes. He had luscious green eyes similar to the grass fields back at home, they looked so frightened and Isabel felt an ache in her heart for the poor boy. Suddenly the ringmaster picked a piece off from its small body before popping it into its mouth savoring every bit while he chewed it slowly. The cheese boy flinched as the ringmaster gave him a wicked smile before waving to the crowd that clapped in astonishment. Isabel suddenly felt something churn in her stomach as a nauseous feeling began to form inside her throat. The magic of the circus suddenly disappeared in an instant even if a part of her wanted to believe this was all an act but the boy's eyes told her otherwise.  Isabel looked over to her father who seemed nonchalant at the whole thing, perhaps it was all in her head. It had to be...didn't it?

Once the circus performances were over, Isabel and her father made their way down from the benches. It had been a long night and now all that Isabel wanted to do was go home and sleep. The ringmaster hadn't left yet since he appeared to be discussing something with some of his performers until she noticed how his eyes suddenly met with hers. An uneasy feeling crept down her spine as his grey eyes locked into her blue ones. He then gives her a wink which makes her shudder yet she decides to ignore it before following her father out of the tent. They both make their way back to the wagon before riding back home. Daniel noticed Isabel's silence, she had been so excited earlier and was expecting her to probably talk about it but she remained quiet. He decides not to pester her, assuming that maybe she's simply tired from the night. Once back at home, Isabel thanks her father for this experience yet she's quick to dismiss herself and goes to bed . A lot of things run through her mind from the ringmaster but more so to the cheese boy although she can't place her finger why. Her body suddenly gives in to her exhaustion as she allows herself to fall into a deep slumber but this time she doesn't dream about the circus. It is simply a dreamless sleep.

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