End of Beginning

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Summary: Rink'O' Mania Fiasco From Mike's Perspective

a/n: the fic is from mike's pov (because we'll probably never get it in the show) and it's going to flash back and forward between seasons. The main plot is during 'season five' but my version of it. Enjoy babes ;)

Word Count: 628

I don't mean to be such an asshole. It just happens.

I had a plan for going to California. It was supposed to be a stress-free vacation with my favourite, closest people. Of course, my plans never go unspoiled.

From the moment I got off the plane, it was a disaster.

I tried to dress like a Californian but I think I went overboard. I felt ridiculous and I probably looked ridiculous but that didn't seem to matter in the end.

I saw El first. I had kind of forgotten what it was like to kiss her. She was wearing some kind of lipgloss that tasted weird and made my lips all sticky.

I gave her flowers, which she seemed to like, I think. I'm not really sure what she likes anymore.

Then I saw Will. It all went downhill from there.

I gave him this awkward side hug. I'm not even sure why. Literally the day before I'd hugged Dustin and the guys no problem when we won the D&D campaign. But, I don't know. Will's different.

Something he was holding caught my eye. I asked him about it, kind of ignoring Jonathan's greetings because of my curiosity.

"Uh, what's that?"

"Nothing, it's just this painting I've been working on."

Will has been painting a lot. He won't show me what he's working on. Maybe it is for a girl. I think there is someone he likes...

Before he can say anything else about the painting- the painting that's potentially for some mystery girl- I shut him down.


Then Jonathan's weird friend tells me my shirt is shit (I knew it) and tells me he knows where to get me the real stuff. I'm not sure I want more of the real stuff. It's itchy and the colour burns my eyes.

El starts talking about the agenda for the day, but to be honest I was only kind of half listening. I accidentally make eye contact with Will at one point, but I'm trying to focus on what El's saying while simultaneously trying not to turn red. The weirdness is too much. And the curiosity.

My interest perks when I hear the mention of a name; "Angela."

I can't help but wonder if she's the mystery girl. Angela. El said we wouldn't be meeting her friends today, which was kind of disappointing but also a relief. I wanted to know what kind of girl was amazing enough that Will Byers would like like her, Will who thought all girls were stupid last year. I also didn't want to know though. Will used to be the one thing I could count on to never change. Now it's like I don't even know him.

Things went from bad to worse.

Turns out Angela isn't El's friend at all. She's a mouthbreathing psycho bitch.

To make matters even more shitty, Will and I fought. I didn't even mean to. Everything just came out wrong.

I wanted to tell him that I did call, I called a bunch but the line was always busy because of Mrs Byers' new job, but then I thought, why does it always have to me that calls? Why does it have to be me all the time? So that's what I said.

I also screwed up. When Will asked;

"And us?" My stupid brain went; "We're friends. We're friends." Obviously he didn't mean it like that, because he replied; "We used to be best friends."

"Whatever." That's what I said. But it isn't whatever. It's really not whatever at all. 

END OF BEGINNING- a byler fanfiction/ stranger things s5Where stories live. Discover now