Three Years Later...

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Summary: Three Years Later And Mike Gets Vecna'd (he doesn't die dw) 

a/n: not sure about this one tbh but here we are.

I would like Mike irl to get Vecna'd though because the boy's a liar.

Word Count: 1,645

School in the apocalypse is weird.

Most of the teachers left, but so did most of the kids, so now there are five teachers that rotate amongst four classes of kids. There's only two classes of middle schoolers so sometimes Mr Clarke comes up to teach us. I missed him, actually.

It's cool being in the same class as all my friends, plus El, but like I said, things are different. That's like my freaking tagline now.

Lucas spends everyday wishing he were back with Max, who's condition hasn't improved in three years apart from the fact that her limbs have kind of healed. She's alive but she's not exactly living.

Dustin had to fight to stay in Hawkins. His mom wanted to move them far away from all the chaos, but Dustin wanted to stay. He even offered to move in with Steve and Robin but Mrs Henderson gave in and said they could stay.

Robin and this girl Vickie help out at school teaching kids music and stuff. Steve does basketball coaching, and has an underground haircare advice business.

Will is...Will is different. Older, I guess, but we all are. He doesn't have a bowl cut anymore. When I saw his new haircut for the first time it was like: Woah. He acts more grown up, more confident, more sure. But he's still Will.

He was the one who came up with D&D nights every Friday so we don't all really go crazy. It's just a night with the four of us, me, Lucas, Dustin and Will playing D&D like we used to. Sometimes Erica and El join, but Erica and Lucas get too competitive and El doesn't really understand the concept. She also mind-flips the board sometimes because her and Will are more full-on siblings than I thought. (I love El and Will as power twins) Besides, she and Hopper watch Miami Vice on Fridays.

The radio tower has become our new hang out apart from my basement, because it's so big. I like going up to the rooftops and walking along it, and talking to Will.

"Do you think if he ever does come back, he'll have an army?" I ask Will on such night on the roof. Sometimes it's fun to theorise.

"An army? What do you mean?"

"You know, like the demodogs, the demogorgon, the mindflayer. Bringing them all back together as an army for the final battle."

"You make it sound like it's the end of the world."

I shrug because I think it kind of us. The movement makes me stumble a little on the edge. Will's hands jut out.

"Be careful, Mike."

"Jeez, sorry."

"Of all the things we've survived, imagine you dying because you tripped and fell off a building."

"That would be pretty lame."


"So what do you think?"

"I think that when he comes back El is going to kick his ass and everything will go back to the way it was."


"No." Will smiles, but his face turns solemn after a second. "Nothing can ever go back to normal I don't think. Things haven't been normal since, since I went missing."

"Well, maybe things won't be normal but at least we won't have all this evil wizard from another dimension crap anymore."

Will cracks a smile, and I grin back at him. Things are different but they're good sometimes. Will suddenly stops smiling.

END OF BEGINNING- a byler fanfiction/ stranger things s5Where stories live. Discover now