~Them guys are loud... not as loud as 'S'~

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"(Y/n), do you want to know something?" The said girl's twin brother asked, gaining his sister's attention. "Remember how I asked you to write 'Mui' on my board?" The other small teen nodded.
"Yeah, doesn't it mean 'limitless'?" (Y/n) questioned as her brother hummed.
"It represents me wanting to be able to skate for a 'limitless' amount of time."
The young female thought for a moment about what she was just told.

'Limitless' ... 'infinite'...

Suddenly, (y/n) was put into a loose headlock whilst her brother rubbed her head with his free hand.
"Yui!" (Y/n) exclaimed, causing her sibling to chuckle before letting go of her.
"Alright, alright." Yuichiro, as that was his name, approached the door to the room. "I'm heading out for a bit. Make sure to stay behaved."
"Stop acting like you're so much older than me!" She pouted, folding her arms. "Of course I'll be good!"
"Don't worry, I know." So with that, he left.


Who knew when he was to return.


'Oh, class hasn't started yet...'

It was currently homeroom at school for (y/n) Tokito, and, despite having a whole nine hours of sleep that night (excluding her naps during the day), she still lay there, head in her arms across her desk.
Feeling unable to fall back to sleep, she turned her head to look out the window.

'What was the name of that cloud again...?'

"Hey Reki!" A group of boys entered the class and started calling out to the kid - whoever he was - that sat behind you. "That sling from a fight?"
"As if," the group of them began to converse with each other with an excessive amount of noise, and that was off-putting to you.

'They're so loud... but 'S' is still louder, I guess.'

Soon enough, the voice of your teacher entered your ears, telling everyone to sit down.
"We have a new transfer student." The adult stated, causing many eyes to curiously look up.

You, slightly interested yourself, glanced at the figure for a moment. Your eyes met a tall boy with light blue hair and eyes. Now satisfied, you dipped your head back into its place, knowing that you were probably going to forget all about this newcomer anyway.


A few hours had passed, and you were on your way to your Uncle's calligraphy store. As you swiftly rode on your cloud designed skateboard {AN~matching Muichiro's theme} with the word 'MUI' written along the bottom with thick black ink, along the streets, you found yourself on the lane of the shop quite quickly.

However, whilst you approached the building itself, you noticed two boys not much older than you standing in your way.
"Move." You semi-aggressively ordered as you neared them, going at an insane pace.

"Hey! Slow down -!" The male was cut-off by you swiftly manoeuvring between the two, causing the taller one to almost lose his footing. "What's your problem?!" The red-haired one fumed, causing you to turn your head towards them, still with your usual blank look.

As you began to slow down and step off of your board to enter the building, the blue haired male stared curiously towards you.
"Her uniform." Upon his words, the other instantly took a closer look at the girl and then quickly recognised her.
"W-wait, Tokito?!" You paused at the sound of your name before turning around to face them. "Do you remember us?" The redhead asked, pointing to him and to his companion.

You stared at the two boys, long and hard.
"Nope." You simply answered, walking back down to the street. "Why? Am I supposed to?"
"Huh! You seriously don't?!" The boy exclaimed.
"I'm Langa Hasegawa." The tall, blue haired male introduced. "Nice to meet you." You nodded towards him.
"(Y/n) Tokito."
You looked expectantly at the still whining boy. When he realised that you and Langa were both waiting for him, he immediately stopped and stood up straight with a smile.
"I'm Reki Kyan!"

"Why did I start again?"~{Muichiro Fem!Reader x Sk8 Infinity}Where stories live. Discover now