Chapter Two Boys

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34Cvstina
________________________________________________________________________________Thirty-Eight years and ten months ago, Andre Roux age 29

June 26, 1980, 1:42 pm Eastern Daylight Time, The Council's Video Camera's POV

    "I say all this to bring us back to the beginning." Devin Cartwright, Lead Scientist on the Tropic Island Project of 1978.

    "From the fragile beginnings, whether you believe in religion or evolution... we were perfect. Crafted from sand for some, but with complex genetics unaffected by the diseases and illnesses that plague our world today." Devin takes a breath with a smile.

    "Perfect." He insists, looking over the vast audience.

    "Holy and history books say we could live to be hundreds of years old. There was no equal, no greater predator than mankind." Devin says showcasing pictures of various discovered diseases and the live death toll that competes with our birth rates every second of every day.

    "As mankind left our baser ways and became our modern way, the world also suffered." Devin states, showing pictures of sinkholes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, and glaciers melting. Devin ignores the voices speaking up in the audience only focused on delivering his point.

    "The earth understands the impact of a do-over. Volcanoes and earthquakes can create a new island, taking the burden off overpopulation. But it can also create a miracle." Devin shows the audience the stats of the rescued man who became ill on the 'miracle island' only to get better without medical assistance. The whispers in the audience are calm, and they are unable to argue this one point.

    "Why can mankind not have a do-over, an injection of new genetics never seen in our vast gene pool? Genetics that have immunities to most diseases that we still have no cure for. Genes that can make men faster, stronger, and better also bring back the baser hunter. The provider, we are so removed from our nature that when reminded of our past, we deny all possibilities that all answers can be found in the past. If only you knew where to look." Devin says, and there is some denial speckled throughout the audience, but Devin is unaffected as he holds his hand out to the wings of the stage, and a tall man walks toward him. The man's steps thud against the floor and those that knew him from before gasp in surprise and awe.

    "He is indeed bigger. We can see that he is taller, but can we prove that he is stronger?" Devin asks the dubious audience, and the other side of the wing widens to show a car. It is a four-seater BMW, average in color, and its presence confuses Devin's audience.

    "I need volunteers. You, you, I can take you. You appear strong, and you there." Devin requests, and the five men amble to the stage. Each is the head of their own mafia Kingdom. All question this thin man's goal as they are led to the car on the stage.

    "I ask that you lift the car," Devin says casually as if the feat is simple—as if the average man is capable of lifting a three-thousand-pound car. The men look at each other. Two or three can claim to be allied and amicable. But none are friends, and none trust the others to hold the weight evenly so it does not fall on one man.

    "Is there a problem?" Devin asks, and the men glance back at their soldiers, who will avenge them if this exercise leads to their death. The men take a side, a corner, a front of the car, and the five men heave, but the car does not rise from the ground. This is an easy task to give up, and then five men quickly stop heaving to judge Devin again. Devin smiles, seeming to have made some unheard point.

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