Chapter Fifteen Fools

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34Cvstina

March 30, 2016, 4:16 am, Dare's POV

    "I think I have it. We have every last piece. We just need to find where they go." Victor mumbles, pulling up folders and papers as he runs his hand through his hair. 'I watch him move, trying to kick myself into game mode, not sleep mode. I have been comfortable these last months, almost like a vacation. But I'm not on one. I'm here to work.' I pinch myself until my hooded eyes stay open.

    "I'm not sure I follow," Leonard says with a yawn, and Victor sighs.

    "We are thinking about this all wrong," Victor says, tapping a random document in front of him and then glancing at the mounted security screen. 'The screen shows Mason and Violet curled up in Victor's bed. Mason is awake and ensuring Violet is okay so we can have this meeting. But the way they are intertwined together is adorable. '

    "How?" Camile says, sitting down, and Victor flips through papers.

     "The document Roux sent us about the day her dog died," Victor says and slides six copies toward us as if presenting evidence to a jury.

    "Her medical records post her head trauma," Victor says and then frantically goes through the desk drawers to pull out another stack of papers.

    "The medical records the Roux Family allocated the school," Victor says, showing how a great majority of stuff was left out. 'What went in was Decided by Roux himself, and he did not want to make Violet a target.'

     "Camile, your document," Victor says. Camile hands them over, and Victor flips through them until he gets to the school incidents and accident reports. 'I read them feeling like Victor's mind is moving above my paygrade. Over the last months, Victor has spent hours trying to find a connection so we could hit them before they hit us. Then, when we learned about the seizures, those hours became any waking moment he had. It is very possible that Victor is just sleep-deprived and not having a much-needed breakthrough.'

     "We are thinking small," Victor repeats, then lifts and moves documents, sending some to the floor to hold up Leonard's scans and diagnosis from his psychologist. Leonard moves to snatch them while sputtering, 'How did you get that!' but Victor holds it out of reach and literally growls at Leonard, making us all stare at him in concern.

    "Listen!" Victor says and starts reading 'how Leonard's mind is twisted, his confusion with reality and confusion in general.' Leonard glares at him, his cobalt eyes annoyed.

    "Discredit!" Victor exclaims and throws it down.

    "What?" Itzal says in unison with Hudson.

    "Discredit, they discredit him! Every visit is to verify he is still off. There are no notes of anything Leonard says. They simply prescribe that bullshit medication and end the session." Victor insists, and we blink at him.

    "Um, no, it wasn't like that," Riot says, and Victor shakes his head.

    "Not the initial, not when he changed. Now! The checkups he gets on campus! He behaves erratically to the point people don't think he is intelligent enough to hunt someone down, kill them, and dispose of the body without giving a clue that anything is amiss as he dines with their mourning family and then lays a rose on their coffin." Victor says, and Leonard smiles darkly and nods. Itzal sighs, but Camile finds it humorous.

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