Chapter Ten Snuggles

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34Cvstina
Twelve years and seven months ago, Itzal, age 10

September 30, 2006, 2:03 am, Itzal's POV

    "I did not mean to." My words are barely a whisper and are met with a world of red and blue flashing lights. The words do not lose their need to be said. In fact, they are all I can think to say. 'I did not mean to.'

    'The small hand in mine is clammy, but their body is warm and nestled close to me as if my actions deemed me a hero in their eyes. The sick in my stomach is eased by her hand, 'I did it for her, but I did not mean to.'

    "Yes, just this way, Mister Marceau," Principal Samson says, and I sag into the hard wall with the equally hard bench unmovable under me.

    "Diana! Diana Cannon! If I told you once, I've told you many times, don't interrupt my day with your STUPID trifles!" The woman's face is red, and her high heels practically slam into the floor. It is surprising to me that they do not also make holes. She snatches Diana's other hand and wrenches her off the bench, making me shoot to my feet.

    "Stop it!" I demand pulling Diana's hand back when her smaller one nearly slips out of mine. Her mother's gaze falls on me, and her mouth twists, spotting the blood on my shirt. The twist grows into a sneer.

    "What are you going to do? Hit me?" Her mother slurs and it takes the words for me to smell the alcohol on her. Suddenly, the air smells like she dosed herself in it.

    "You are hurting her," I inform her and pull Diana back to me.

    "So, yes," I tell her, lifting my chin.

    "If you give me a reason to, I will hit you. Without hesitation." I bite out, drawing the small cowering girl behind me, and her Mom blinks at me in surprise.

    "Ruwin!" My Dad says, and I firm my spine.

    "I apologize. I do not believe we have been acquainted," Dad says smoothly, sliding between us. I see Diana's mother's eyes soften, and I turn away sick. 'She is not Dad's type. Dad likes women who are gentle and soft. This woman is hateful.'

    "Jessica. That one's moth-mom." Jessica says, and Dad smiles at her.

     "I can see the resemblance. I fear our young ones might have gotten in trouble together. I apologize for any persuasion my son may have had in getting your adorable daughter in trouble." Dad says, and Jessica nods, not seeming like she cares anymore. All she seems to be focusing on is the wad of bills in Dad's money clip as he hands his contact card to the principal.

    "Oh, it is no trouble at all." Jessica practically purrs, and I glare at her voice as if I can see her through my Dad's back.

    "No, I know it is. It is kind of you to dismiss it, though." My Dad flirts back, and I gag, then look back when a tiny sound of amusement comes from the little one behind me. Diana hides her smile, and I grin at her. 'She is so itty-bitty. Her coils are everywhere, as if they have a mind of their own, and her smile is so genuine. Something about her made me get in between her and the boys harassing her. She was sobbing and kept saying, 'It wasn't true'.' And they just kept loudly saying, 'sister killer.' While they poked at her body and pulled at her dress.'

    'I did not care if it was true or not I ordered them to stop! I am older and bigger than them, so two ran off, leaving the third. That sneered at her and pushed her to the ground of the jungle gym, making her elbow bleed. And...and...and... I did not mean to.'

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