Chapter Four Lovers

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34Cvstina
February 14, 2016, 1:20 pm, Riot's POV

    "Pizza! You are fucking kidding me!" Leonard thunders and then swings around to look at the four of us.

    "Pizza." Leonard hisses at us, and though Mason jumps, I see the delighted smile on his face. 'We are in for it now.' Victor is glaring at Dare, but it does not seem to be about this, but something else Dare did to annoy Victor. The only one not losing the plot is Itzal. He actually congratulated Camile on his win.

     "Leonard, silence, you were not even second. I was. In fact Victor was third, you were last." Itzal says, changing the screen to Violet's delighted expression at getting a multitude of pillows, blankets, and little lights for her bed... her nest. 'Neither she nor Itzal realizes that is the intention, nor what Itzal just rolled into action. Something I have no intention of telling anyone, an Omega that wants to nest but can't, is a very angry Omega, that or severely depressed. Making the clothing nest was more for my continued survival than hers. Because my Divine is right, I have not fit the image of Gamma for a long time, but that does not mean I will not kill myself to make sure his Omega does not break. That is instinct. It is a part of me, my barbs don't do much but piss her off, but her breaking will also break me. Half-breed Omegas have a way of making their emotions felt throughout their household.'

    "You hardly had permission for that," Victor grumbles, annoyed that Violet loves her new nest, and the other Heirs give him a look questioning his intelligence.

    "You, of all people, benefitted the most from that." Leonard recalls looking pointedly at Victor's crotch, 'What are they talking about?'

    "Did you not enjoy free range to move about without being tethered to Violet?" Itzal asks. Victor flushes as he looks away, and Camile snorts. 'Seems like the nest became more interesting than clinging to the Heirs, but in what way was she clinging? It is good she is clinging to them, it means she is accepting them.'

    "Anyway," Leonard grumbles and then looks to his brethren.

    "Congrats, Camile. There will be no funny business on this date, no touching, no kissing, no flogging." Leonard says, and Victor smacks a hand on Leonard's mouth, but that does nothing to mute Mason's horrified gasp.

    "You know the rules, Camile. We will be on standby for the Ritual if need be, but as agreed, Winner gets to sleep next to Violet alone.... None of us will interfere." Victor says, looking at Leonard, not Camile. Leonard's face twists in anger, but he nods, then plops down on the theater sofa and turns a movie on, making it clear he is upset. Itzal blinks at him and then shakes his head and turns to address us.

    "Camile has elected to Dine-in tonight. He will do the cooking, Dare you have agreed to help Camile in plating and beautification." Itzal says, and Victor glares harder at Dare, 'Oh, I see.'

    "Riot, you will act as wait staff and bring out each course on the prompt schedule supplied," Itzal says and glances at Leonard when he grumbles some expletives under his breath.

    "Mason, as Camile won, you will assist Violet in all she needs to get ready. And Hudson, you will help Mason, if need be, while also consolidating the Valentine gifts from the rest of us into her Living Quarters. Do not linger there. You should be in and out." Itzal warns, and we all nod, accepting our jobs.

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