Chapter Eleven Memories

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Dedicated to MajenBeos02Babyalex34Cvstina
Eight years and one month ago, Riot Age 16, Leonard, Age 13

March 29, 2011, 7:18 pm, Riot's POV

    'I know it has been six years since my hand has been in his, but there is something about him. Something that I realize has changed. When he found me, he was ferocious, a killer for the glee of it. His dark, glittering eyes haunted all who opposed him like a snake luring in his prey. There was something dark and yet controlled in his behavior. But once we sat in the car, it was like he changed... he became softer and seemed to need to touch me in some way. His voice was softer, not as deep, but light and more fitting of his true age. Less fitting, if anything.' Leo swings my hand in his own as he leads me into the house. I follow, keeping my eyes down and movements only as wide as needed.

    "Dad! Can we keep him?" Leo's voice is soft but loud as he calls to his Father, who is working unseen in the kitchen. I unconsciously press closer to the taller boy's side and then step back, realizing my actions may disrespect him. Leo frowns and drops my hand, making my heart clench before he wraps his arm around my waist and hugs me.

    "Kiddo?" I hear Leo's Dad respond in a hesitant whisper, and then, from the clattering sounds, he sets objects down.

    "Kiddo." His Dad repeats this, but this time, his tone is lighter: 'One could even call it playful.'

    "The last time you asked to keep a pet, it was a squirrel, and it found its way into my bed looking for nuts." Leo's Dad says, and Leo giggles, making me look up in surprise before immediately dropping my head.

    "What is it this time?" his Dad asks, and footsteps accompany the sounds of him directing employees as he comes toward the... sitting room. I suppose it is the name of the room we are in.' Leo beams at me and then hums, rocking us side to side.

    "Leo got him for me!" Leo...wait? What? 'He is Leo, is he not?'

    "Oh, did he? Where did Leo get it?" His Dad says, clearing the corner and seeing Leo's arms around me. I tense, not knowing what to expect, but I'm not the only one. Leo's Dad nearly stumbles back a step, and I pale.

    "Kiddo, where did you get him from?" His Dad says suddenly, serious but not cross with... Kiddo?

    "Leo gave him to me, he told me I got to keep him! Isn't he pretty?" Kiddo says, looking at me awestruck as if he cannot believe I'm here.

    "Oh, Dad, he is so soft! Can I keep him?" Kiddo begs, and his Dad chokes.

    "Kiddo, I am sure he has parents who want him back," his Dad says, then looks me over with a frown that seems to protest his words. I lower my neck, ashamed of how dirty I am inside this beautiful home. The kind of dirt reaching clear to my soul, I am filth... but Kiddo thinks I am pretty.' I bite back a smile.

    "No! Leo gave him to me." Kiddo disagrees adamantly, seeming to become upset. 'Not an angry upset but a tearful upset.' His Dad raises his hand as if to calm Kiddo down.

    "Kiddo, we are talking right now. Okay?" His Dad says, and Kiddo nods and hugs me tighter as if someone were going to separate us.

    "I am trying to understand. You know that. If Leo thinks you're scared, he won't emerge happy," his Dad whispers. Kiddo nods, lays his head on my shoulder, and nods again as he takes a calming breath.

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