Confusing Feelings

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Author's pov
The car stopped infront of Yana's apartment. They both didn't talk on the way. All the time Yana kept thinking where Seoho will take her to? That thought made her only nervous.
End of Author's pov
"I'll wait here, you may go Miss Kim."
Said Seoho while looking at Yana.
"No sir, why will you wait here? Come with me you can wait inside my apartment!" Yana replied.
*Why am I asking him to come to my apartment? I don't even know him much, I know I've been working for him for like 4 years but still. Are you dumb Yana?* Yana cursed herself in her thoughts.
"Ok If you say so!" Seoho agreed and get off the car.
They both made their way towards Yana's apartment.
"You can sit here and wait for me.. I'll be back soon" Yana said while taking her things from the chair to make space for Seoho to sit.
" need to hurry!" Seoho replied while sitting on the chair.
Time passes ~
"Let's go sir, I'm ready"... Yana said while fixing her hair.
Seoho's pov
I was waiting for Yana to get ready..her house is well decorated, well as I expected. Cute things are everywhere! Woah is that her childhood picture. Damn she is born cute. I'm taking her on a date i really doing it? I mean yeah it's a date. But how will I confess to her? I think I need some time. It will be better to confess later.
While I was thinking all these I didn't notice that Yana was here. Wow she is looking so beautiful, The prettiest girl in the whole world.
End of Seoho's Pov
"Beautiful!" Seoho murmured.
"Did you say anything sir?" Yana asked.
"N-no Nothing, let's go Miss Kim" Seoho left the apartment in hurry.
Yana locked her House and came infront of the car of Seoho's.
"Sir can I ask you something?" Yana asked Seoho curiously.
"Oh sorry i forgot to tell you did a good job by completing your work on time I'll just giving you a little treat!" Seoho said with a smile.
"That's so sweet of you sir but I wasn't alone who complete the work on time. Han and Haruto helped me a lot." Yana said, disappointment was visible on her face.
"Yes that's right...I'll treat them some other day."
"But why not today? What's special today?"
"Ugh Miss Kim you ask so many questions...ok fine! I yelled at you today without any reason and it was my fault...I want to make it up to you. Now no more questions" saying This Seoho held Yana's Hand and take her to the other side of car, opened the door and made her sit in the car.
Yana's pov
He's really taking me to a date? Woah that's something different!
End of Yana's pov
Haruto's pov
Why am I keep thinking about that hug? What's happening to you Haruto? She just hugged you that's it.. what's wrong in it? She hugged Han as well. It was out of happiness only.. there's nothing to think about something like this again and again. Wait she hugged Han. Why did she? Oh no! I'm going crazy. I need to sleep.
End of Haruto's pov
Saying this Haruto slept as he was tired.
Author's pov
Yana and Seoho went to the restaurant owned by Seoho.. obviously he's very rich and like evey other CEO's in k-drama he has his own resturant. They ate there chatted for some times and then Seoho came to drop her home.
End of author's pov
"Thank you for the treat sir, I really enjoyed the meal a lot and thanks for the flowers too" Yana said while smiling brightly.
"It's my pleasure Miss Kim that you feel happy by the treat, see you tomorrow then. I'm going now". Saying this Seoho got into the car.
"Sure sir. Drive safely".
Yana came back to her house after Seoho left.
She did her night routine and went to sleep.
The next morning ~
I'm the one I should lovEeeee in this worlDdddd~
"Jin oppa is really a great singer tho" Yana said to herself while combing her hair.
She get up early today before ringing her alarm and got ready while listening to "Epiphany by Kim Seokjin". This song always makes her feel confident.
"Ok I'm ready to go!"
Suddenly her phone rang.
"Who's calling me this early?... WHATTT? WHY IS HE CALLING ME NOW?" Yana's eyes got widened by seeing the caller's ID.
"Good morning Miss Kim, I'm waiting infront of your appartment, come fast!" seoho said.
"I'm coming wait!"
Saying this Yana ran for her life.
"Why are you running? Waiting for few minutes won't hurt me at all" Said Seoho looking at Yana who was standing infront of him, trying to breathe properly.
"No sir I was almost ready, and it's good for health to run for a while".
"It doesn't seem like that..are you really ok? Should I call the doctor?"
"No! I'm totally fine...but why did you come to pick me up?"
"Um- I was going from here so I-i thought I can pick you up"
"Oh ok...then let's go!"
Few minutes later~
"Oh.. Good morning Miss Kim, Good morning sir!" Han greeted them.
"Good morning Mr. Han and Mr. Haruto" Seoho greeted them " I'm going to my office " saying this he left.
" Good morning guys!" Yana greeted them.
"You came with Mr. Lee?" Haruto asked Yana.
"Yes! He came to pick me up from my house..i didn't miss the chance and i saved some money as well!" Yana winked.
"That's a good thing Miss Kim, you are lucky". Han said and they both laughed.
Haruto's pov
Me and Han was entering the office when suddenly we saw that Yana and Mr. Lee came together. Wait why is she with him? She comes alone always then why with him today? I couldn't control myself and I asked her the reason when Mr. Lee left.
Why am I being jealous and feeling possesive?
End of Haruto's pov
"Hey what are you thinking, let's go or else we will be late!" Yana pulled Haruto's hand and went inside the building.
*She held my hand* Haruto thought in mind.
"Hey Handsome, Good morning! You are looking more handsome today you know, I'm feeling bad for you that you got that girl as your senior". Yuri came out of nowhere and made this statement when Haruto was having his coffee in the cafeteria.
"I look handsome everyday, so no need to tell me that..if there's something new then tell me. And no need to feel bad for me cause I'm happy with her Being my senior. Atleast she's not a pick me like you". Haruto said and left from there.
Everyone laughed at Yuri.
"How dare he insult me infront of everyone! Now I'll make you mine no matter what Haruto". Yuri said to herself with a smirk.
Author's pov
Seoho called the employees who worked on the project, as they got the deal so he's planning for a trip as a token of gratitude.
"Thank you so much guys, we got this deal due to your hardwork. If you guys weren't here we couldn't make it. And special thanks to Miss Yana, Mr. Haruto and Mr. Han.
Listening this Yuri rolled her eyes.
"We are going to the sea side tomorrow for celebrating this achivement! Get ready!"
Everyone were happy with this Trip but someone was a bit extra happy cause he will be able to spent time with his favourite person,and someone was bit confused with his emotions but in deep down he knows that he's very happy with this trip as well.

What will happen in the trip? Something special? Will Haruto find out his true feelings towards Yana? Stay tuned for more 💌🦋✨

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