Falling In Love

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"Ok! So the packing is done!" Yana said with a smile while looking at her laggage.
"It's gonna be fun Yana! After so many days you get to see the sea finally! Ahh I'm so happy...wait I should call Soojin, I forgot to tell her about yesterday!" Saying this she called Soojin.
Author's pov
Soojin is Yana's childhood friend, they were together till They got jobs in different places.
End of author's pov
"I thought you forgot about my existence!" Soojin said directly after picking up the call.
"I'm so sorry Soojinahh... forgive me! I was hella busy these days! So sorry" Yana whined.
"Yea! Yea! Now stop being dramatic, i forgive you already!"
"That's so sweet of you babe! Thanks!
Btw I got something to tell you!"
"Umhum I'm listening, go ahead!"
*Yana told everything about Seoho and as well as she told about Haruto and Han"
"Did Seoho took you to a date? Woah girl! Your boss took you out just because he had yelled at you. That's so cool...my old boss always yells at me but never gave me a lil bit respect..you are lucky! But do you think Seoho likes you? I mean why he would wanted to make it up to you?"
"I don't think so Soojinahh... there's nothing like that. How can he like a simple and silly girl like me? But that Haruto named guy is definitely getting on my nerves! I mean how can someone be this much rude towards anyone who he just met?"
"Cool Down Yanayaa! Some brats are like that only..just ignore~ and enjoy your trip fully cause you don't know when you'll get a chance again!"
"Yes you are right!"
" Yana I've something to tell you, actually Sunho called me somedays ago and was asking me to tell you to patch up with him..he has realised his faults and now he will be more caring and a good person...I told him that don't expect anything like that ever again cause you're the one who ended everything! Stay away from her, then i blocked him"
"That guy! Why can't he stay away from me? He was the one who cheated on me and now he wants me back? Such a jerk he is!"
"Yeah don't think about him, i just wanted to let you know about it that's it.... you should sleep now otherwise you'll late for tomorrow!"
"Yesss! Good night babygirl! I'll call you later, byeee~
Yana cutted the call and went to bed.
The next day~
"It was unexpected that after one day of working we will get a trip....Thank God that we get a job like this" Han said happily.
"Yeah, it was really unexpected but it's good for us that we are getting chance to get fresh air.we were finding job like crazy, we needed a refreshment".
Haruto said.
"Everyone is here I think " Seoho said while checking if anyone is left out.
"Miss Kim? She's not here!"
"Sorry sir!!!! I'm hereeeeee!" Yana shouted from a lil far.
"As expected, she can never come early" Yuri laughed.
"It's ok Miss Kim, you aren't that much late at all" Seoho said while smiling.
"Ok guys get on the bus!"
Everyone started getting into the bus.
Yuri took a seat and waited for Haruto to get in the Bus.
"Hey handsome, come and Seat here, I got a seat for you" Yuri said to Haruto but he just stared at her and went ahead and sat on another seat, making her embarassed infront of everyone.
Yana got into the bus and started looking for a empty seat, her eyes reached to an empty space.
"Wow, I got a seat, wait.. that's Haruto, oh God I've to sit beside him? Yes ofcourse I don't have any other empty seat" Yana thought and made her way towards Haruto.
"Um...can I sit here if you don't mind, actually there's no seat left" Yana asked Haruto with a hesitation.
" Yes you can sit here, as long as I remember there was no one sitting here before so its probably empty" Haruto Replied without looking at her.
"Oh thank you so much" Yana sat beside him.
"Han can you sit somewhere else? Actually I'm not feeling well and i might vomit on you!" Haruto said to Han.
"Um- o-ok I'll sit somewhere else..but do you need medicine bro?" Han said being worried about Him.
"No bro I don't need medicine.. I think the fresh air will be good for me, so I'll seat beside the window!"
*End of flashback*
Haruto's pov
I'm sorry Han, but I want Yana to sit beside me...I wish she comes to sit beside me as she's still outside and all the seats are almost full except mine. Yuri thought I'll sit beside her...*tsk*
Oh there she is! But what if Mr. Lee asks her to sit beside him? No no it can't be happen, please God let her sit beside me. Uhun.. she's coming here!"
*End of Haruto's pov*
"Bro you said, you aren't feeling well and you might v-" Han was about to complete his statement but Haruto stopped him by saying
"No! I'm good now Han, no need to say anything "
" Ok fine bro, as you wish "Han replied while being confused.
"Aren't you feeling well? Do you need medicine?" Yana asked Haruto.
"No no, I'm totally fine now! Actually sometimes ago i wasn't feeling well that's why Han was asking" Haruto replied.
"Oh ok"
*Seoho's pov*
Where did she go? Oh no, she already sat beside Haruto, but I wanted to sat
Beside her! Aish, bad luck! Nevermind!
*End of Seoho's Pov*
After few minutes, Haruto was looking out of the window when he felt weight on his right shoulder, He saw that Yana is resting her head on his shoulder.
"Is she sleeping or what?" Haruto tried to look and find out that Yana is peacefully sleeping. His heart started beating like crazy...he was feeling nervous and happy at the same time.
Somehow it was making him feel good and he wanted to stop the time.
Haruto didn't say anything and let her sleep all the way.
*After few hours*
They reached their destination.
"Aham..Miss Kim, I think you should get up cause we are already here" Haruto said to Yana almost forcing himself cause he didn't want to wake her up.
"Umm...where am I? Ahh the sleep was very good" Yana said while trying to fix her eyesight.
*Wait don't tell me I was sleeping on his shoulder*
"omo! I'm so sorry Mr. Haruto..i didn't realise and fell asleep! Ah I'm so clumsy!" Yana started panicking.
"Nah it's ok! I didn't mind at all! No need to apologise and let's go, everyone has already left from here" Haruto said to Yana making her confused.
They both got down from the bus and went towards others.
*He didn't behave rudely for the first time? Woah!* Yana thought.
"So I see everyone is here! Let's go to our hotel and take rest for a while, then we will have lunch at 12:30 pm..ok?" Seoho said.
"Hello Miss Kim... I find out that we are sharing our room!" Sunmi said to Yana while smiling.
*Sunmi is junior of Yana, she always admires her as her senior but never talk to her*
"Oh really? That's so good Sunmi!"
"You know my name?" Sunmi said being shocked.
"Ofcourse why wouldn't I? I know you very well!"
"omo! I'm so happy today! You know I always admire you because you are so good and so cute as well"
"Aish! That's so sweet of you and you are very pretty!"
They both giggled and went to their room.
"Bro what happened to you? Why you seem always lost in your thoughts? Is there anything bothering you?" Han asked Haruto who was standing alone while looking at Yana's almost invisible figure.
"Han...I think I'm in love!"
"What? You? With whom?
"I-it's Yana"
"WHAT? I can't believe that you are in love with her! Although I assumed it cause she slept on your shoulder all the time but you didn't say anything to her...so when you're gonna confess huh?
"I don't know when I'll but I'll one day! Her presence makes me feel good all the time!"

Will Haruto confess his feelings to her or something else will happen?
Stay tuned to Know 🦋💌🐣✨

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