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I woke up coated in sweat and a moan threatening to leave my lips.


I heard a whimper. I opened my eyes to see Louis bouncing up and down on my lap.

"W-woke up... My heat... But you p-probably a-already knew t-that..." Louis panted. He whined and rolled his hips again, "C-Cum already..."

I looked down at my cum stained stomach, "How many-"

"5." Louis said as he kept rolling his hips.

"How long-"

"20 minutes... now cum." Louis whined.

I gripped his hips and thrust into him, my knot popped and locked us together. Louis fell forward, panting. I rubbed my hand up and down his thighs, pulling them closer to me.

"God that was a work out." Louis said, leaning up a bit.

"M'sorry baby, tried to help earlier."

Louis smiled and pressed our lips together for a brief moment, "I saw, thank you, always nice to wake up with your hizza in me."

We laid there like that for a while, Louis's head on my chest, fingers draw messy patterns on my skin, my arms tracing up his thighs, then to his back, then back down again.

"I hate heats sometimes." Louis mumbled tiredly into my shoulder.

"I know boo."

"Its not fair, I've only been home for a few days and haven't even left the bed more than once."

Something was off about that, I just don't know what.

"I'm going to run out of juice if this shit keeps up."

Something feels funny now that Louis said that...

"Well if it's any coincidence, Liam's going to go through the same hell in a day or two. You guys run in a very close schedule apparently." I told him.

Louis giggled, "Yeah, had to buy him some suppressants the other day. He doesn't want to get knocked up by Niall just yet."


I glanced down as Louis bit his bottom lip and narrowed his eyes as if he was doing math or counting up days in his head.

"Shh, baby, rest before it kicks back in."

Louis cleared his head a nodded, "Okay." He snuggled in close to me.


Louis whispered.


Chapter question

What do you think it is? Do you think Harry knows what it is? Does Louis?

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