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Shouts are at the end you cheaters.

118 Carter Road. 118 Carter Road. 118 Carter Road.

I repeated it over and over again as we ran down the streets full force. When we got to the building Zayn and Liam ran up to me and Niall panting.

"Chill, not.... all of us..... are Alphas." Liam panted.

"Yeah, we Betas... can still... run fast but not as... fast as you... Alphas..." Zayn huffed.

"Guys, wait here." I told them.

"Why? You can't possibly think were letting you go in there alone." Niall questioned

"Because Louis is tied to a bed somewhere, Naked, while they torture the fuck out of him. You know how he is on his normal heats, this is literally tearing him apart." I explained, getting tears in the corners of my eyes thinking of my Omega.

Ever since Louis finally got his heats they've been hard to control. He can't last without a knot for too long because it actually hurts him more then it should, so god know how he's handling this.

"Fine. You have 20 minutes, then we're coming in after you." Niall said.

I nodded then snuck inside the front door. The building was like an old factory and it was really cold, I could faintly see my breath.

"So mate him already!"

I jumped and ducked behind a old desk.

"He's going to beg me for it, just like my knot, he's about to break. My best friend can't handle much, never could."

No way.

Louis's POV

They finally untied me and put me in boxers. They assumed I was too weak to move, which I am. It feels like I'm dying. My stomach feels like it collapsed in on itself. Then the door opened.

"Lou, baby, please stop fighting this." Stan said, "I'm your friend, just let me do this."

"You're not my friend. Friends don't do this to each other. Why are you doing this?" I whined.

I'm so fucking horny and in pain! I'm about to just give up.

"I love you Louis, always have." Stan said.

I stood up the best I could, "If you love me then let me go. I promise I won't tell anyone, just please."

Stan crossed his arms, "Sure, like you would tell me if you where going to call the cops. I'm not stupid."

"Stan please, it hurts." I begged. I can't do this.

Stan walked up and cupped my cheek in his hand, "Then stop fighting it."

"I-I can't. I cant, Harry's the only one for me."

Stan flew across the room and into the metal wall, "Damn straight!" Harry pulled me into a hug, "I missed you. Please tell me they didn't hurt you."

I couldn't focuse on his words when his smell was so powerful and intoxicating! I wanted his dick in my mouth and his knot right now. I leaned back enough to slide my tongue down his throat. I whined into the kiss. I was beyond hard. Hard had left, painful had definitely left, I was ready to explode.

"Fuck me... Please..." I jumped up and wrapped my legs around his waist. I almost slipped with the ridiculous amount of slick coating my legs.

Harry pushed me back, "Louis you got to calm down and we need to go before he wakes up. Nick is distracted by the pizza guy so we need to sneak out now." Harry told me.

Knot me (Larry Stylinson)Where stories live. Discover now