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"Try harder Louis." Liam ordered.

"I can't control it, okay?" Louis snapped.

We were backstage as he tried to get his teeth to dull down a bit and his ears to back to normal. When Louis finally changed back we headed out on stage.

Everyone was in awe over the baby bumps forming on two of the boys. You could see "Larry Stylingson" and "Niam Hayne" signs and posters everywhere, it was actually really cute.

Louis kept the baby under control for awhile as we preformed our songs on the outside stage.

The daylight began to fade while the moon rose as the concert continued, I could tell Louis was having a hard time. The clouds cleared away from the moon and Louis whimpered at the effort to keep the baby from changing right there on stage.

Louis bolted behind one of the large support beam holding the stage up, he growled as he couldn't hold it back any longer. I watched from the side as he tossed his head back. His teeth sharpened, ears sprouting from his head, and his body shrunk until he was left standing on all-fours as a wolf. I looked at the boys who were as shocked as I was.

Louis shook off his clothes, fur flying everywhere, as he walked over to me onstage. He looked up at me, then to the stunned audience, that even though they didn't see the actual act, they knew it was none-other than Louis Tomlinson.

Louis howled at the moon and Niall almost chuckled at the cliché act.

Louis laid down and gently put his head on my lap from where I was sitting on the side of the stage, he whimpered at the familiar sensation of his Alpha's touch. I couldn't help but reach down to pet the boys head gently.


Modest wasn't exactly happy over what happened at the concert but there isn't much they can actually do about the matter.

Louis was laying in bed in his half-and-half state while I played with his fluffy tail.

"Are you having fun?" Louis chuckled.

I smiled down at my Omega, "Tons knowing our baby is doing this to you."

"Yeah, well your little shit almost got us in trouble." Louis points out.


"Yes, yours, I'm not claiming his bad behavior, I'm better then that; that's all his fathers."

"Father as in you?"

"Ha ha." Louis laughed sarcastically, "You're lucky I love you or else I would have maimed you."

"You couldn't live without me."

"Hence the love part of that Ted Talk, I really hope he doesn't have your hearing skills."

I rolled over on top of him, knocking his hair away. Louis groaned as I pushed him up just enough so I was hovering over him.

I smiled down at Louis, "Good god I love you." He whispered.

I leaned down to press our lips together, deepening it right away, I trailed kisses down his neck, showing him just how much I loved him.

"Mhmm, love you so much." Louis hummed.

"I wanna lick and prod every inch of you." Harry whispered huskily in Louis ear causing him to groan.

I trailed my kisses down his chest until I reached his stomach, I then left little kisses and licks randomly on him. I licked a bold strip down his tummy before taking him into my mouth without warning.

"Fuck." Louis gasped, his eyes squeezing shut.

I hummed around him, causing little vibrations to shoot up his spine.

This went on for what felt like a lifetime; I was slowly working him up with slow movements of my head before Louis couldn't take it any longer.

"P-Please..." He whined.

I hummed around him, almost to say "okay" before he came deep in my throat. I stopped and let go, giving his slit a few kitten licks that caused him to writhe in sensitivity before I pressed our lips together.

"Mhmm." Louis smiled into the kiss, "M' never going to get used to you."

I buried my head in the crook of Louis' neck, holding him close, before whispering softly into his ear...



Sorry for the wait, been sick and busy.

Chapter question:

Do you think Louis well ever get used to the baby's changes? Do you think he will be able to control them?

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