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There's something about being on stage. The crowd screaming your name, the air rushing around you, your blood pumping as the beat hits, it's something only to be described as magical. Louis loves his job. He loves everything. The stage was his safe place. Even with eyes watching him he felt safe; more than at home.

Harry practically has to drag him off the stage after they all wave goodbye. Louis loves this tour and it's honestly his favourite so far, even with all the Stan and Nick drama.

Louis plops down in his seat in the car that's taking them to their hotel for the night. Harry is exhausted, Louis could tell. His hair was flattened down to his forehead with sweat and he just looked tired to begin with. The other boys look a little worn-out too. Liam is rubbing his hand up and down the giant bump his belly had become in the past few months.

"You look ready to pop, Li." Louis comments.

Liam smiles. "I know I'm so excited. Only got a couple more shows before our break for the baby, then we're back on the road. Can't wait to be home. Ally is having fun with her grandma though."

"It'll be nice to see my baby girl though, it's been almost two weeks," Niall adds.

"Yeah, at least you're trying to get her as much as you can." Zayn tacks on.

"She loves touring, but with school starting, she's better in a more stable environment." Liam says, "She'd get tired moving around so much. Not to mention the paps."

"We get it, man. Gotta do what's best for your girl. Speaking of which when do you find out the gender?" Zayn asks.

Niall laughs. "Zayn for the third time it's going to be a surprise."

"Oh come on man we need to know." Zayn argues playfully.

"Yeah, how am I supposed to know what to buy my niece-slash-nephew if I don't know which gender he-slash-she is." Louis adds.

"Baby neu-"

"Ugh! None of that uncle yellow crap Harry." Zayn groans.

Harry chuckles, head laid back on the headrest with his eyes closed.

"Just basic stuff if you guys want to get anything. We're doing white and grey for the nursery so there's no 'ugly yellow'." Niall explains mocking Zayn.

"I just don't see why you don't want to know." Zayn adds on.

"I couldn't wait to find out," Louis adds. "When I found out about Theo it was the happiest day of my life."

"It was. Finding out I was going to have a son. It was like nothing in the world could ruin my mood." Harry agrees.

"Bought him so much footy gear." Niall chuckles.

"Hey, I had a star playing in here." Louis says rubbing his stomach. The place his baby once resided. "He would have been great." Louis whispers, a small sad smile creeping upon his face.

The room gets a little quite. Time passes and people heal, but moments come and the ache is still there. Louis knows it's okay to feel the ache every once in a while.

"Yeah, he would of." Harry agrees.

"Ally's obsessed with the footy matches every time they come on the Telly." Liam says to bring the mood back up.

"Oh yeah?" Louis smiles.

"Yeah, you've got her corrupted already." Niall smiles.

"Why don't you take Theo's footy stuff we got for him when he would grow up? It's not much just a ball and a net but Ally's big enough to start playing."

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