Ch 28

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"You're naming him what?" Niall asked dryly.

"It's a cute name." Harry said walking around the couch to sit down by Louis.

"It's... Something." Niall said from the chair while he was eating popcorn.

"Okay, but it's better then Ally." Louis snorted.

"Hey! Back off our baby name..." He growled, being defensive, "Besides our baby is a girl, any girl name is pretty in the right context." He mumbled.

Harry chuckled.

"There's nothing wrong with the name." Louis protested.

"It's a beautiful name, just boring." Niall said plainly.

Louis gasped, jaw slack in shock, "It is not! You take that back right now Horan!" Louis warned.

Niall chucked as he raised his hands in defeat, "Okay. Okay. I take it back, Theo is a lovely name." Louis smiled, "Have fun finding a middle name though." Niall mumbled.

"We already have one we think." Harry said.

"Oh really? What is it?" Niall questioned.

"Theo James Styles." Harry smirked.

"Tomlinson." Louis corrected.

"What?" Harry asked, completely confused.

"Oh boy." Niall cut in sinking in his seat and pulling more popcorn out of the small candy-cane colored bag.

Louis looked at Harry, "He'll be a Tomlinson."

"Uh, no, it'll be a Styles like it should be."

"Why just because you're the Alpha you think I'm sticking my baby with your last name?"

"Your baby? It's our baby! And what exactly is so bad with the last name Styles?"

"Um. There is a big problem with it actually." Louis sat up straight.

"And what's that?" Harry questioned sitting up to match Louis' actions.

Louis smirked back, "Its not mine."

Harry froze for a minute, "What?"

Louis was grinning ear to ear, "I'm saying that maybe before this baby comes, we should have the same last name."

"Are you asking me what I think you're asking me?" Harry asked starting to smile a little himself, because god knows Louis' smile is highly contagious.

"No, but maybe you should, I don't know, ask me something in order to make everything official." He drug out the words, obviously hinting at something.

Harry couldn't contain his grin any longer, smiling ear to ear like Louis. He stood up, turning around to tower over him, looking the boy in the eye and continued smiling.

"Louis Tomlinson, will you marry me?" Harry practically whispered, taking Louis' hand in his.

Louis smiling just as big and nodded, "That's a great idea how'd you ever think of that?"

Harry leaned in closer, smiling bigger, "Is that a yes?"

Louis bit his lip, both boys smiling like idiots, "Yes. Yes, I will marry you."

Harry bent down so his face was level with Louis and pushed their lips together in a kiss that was basically just the two idiots smiling. Neither could be happier.

Niall was still silently crunching on popcorn, simply watching the exchange between them with a smile growing on the blonde's face.

After a few seconds Harry broke away.

"I-I don't have a ring."

Louis laughed, "We don't need a ring, but...."

Louis looked at Niall, almost to signal him as he tossed Louis a small box from his pocket.

Harry chuckled, "Someone was prepared."

Louis just smiled and shrugged his shoulders, "I just knew." He said, handing Harry the box.

"Knew what?" Harry asked, opening the box and taking the ring out.

"I knew I never wanted to stop."

Harry looked up at Louis.

"Never stop looking at you, never stop going to bed next to you, or waking up next to you. I never want to stop this, this amazing feeling I get just being next to you. I never wanna stop loving you. I never wanna stop any of this. Any of you."

Harry slid the ring onto his small finger.

"Good, this would be a really awkward moment otherwise."

Louis chuckled playfully smacking Harry's chest.

"Shut up," Louis smiled. There was a pause as Harry waited for Louis to continue,  "God, just kiss me you fool."

Harry smiled, "Gladly."

Chapter question?

Was this proposal everything you ever dreamed of? Did anyone see this coming?

Whaaaaaaaat!? 😱😱😱😱😱😱😱😱 Two updates in the same era!?!? Did we go through a time portal or something???


Don't worry none of you have to wear foil hats. I promise.

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