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It's not that Louis was purposefully avoiding it. He just didn't have the time. With Liam just having the baby and being there for him along with getting everything ready for the tour. It's not like he meant to forget about going and getting it. Harry forgot about it too so he doesn't think the fall should be his alone.

"Lou come on we're going to be late." Harry smiles as he comes walking into the bedroom. Louis laying on his back with his eyes closed and his stomach swollen. Harry comes over to flops down next to him on his stomach and lays soft kisses on Louis' face.

"Too tired. Can we do this later?" Louis whined.

Harry kissed his cheek. "No, because we go back on tour in a week and we need to do this now in case..."

Louis opens his eyes, "In case it happens again right?" Louis whispers as his hand falls to his belly.

Harry gives a soft smile, laying a kiss on his other cheek. "No, because it's not going to. We're doing this because we need to make sure our little M&M is all safe and warm before we put your body under any stress."

Louis sighs. "Okay. I mean I want to know that everything's alright."

Harry smiles and kisses Louis nose. "That's it." Harry jumps up and reaches a handout. "Come on, let's go."

Louis reaches up and lets Harry help him up. He feels so swollen today. Louis loves being pregnant but he could do without the aches and swelling.

"I feel fa-" Louis starts but Harry spins around and cuts him off with a rather intense kiss for ten o'clock in the morning. Louis lets his eyes shut and his fingers curl in Harry's hair as Harry pulls him closer by his waist and deepens the kiss. Licking into Louis's mouth. Harry breaks away and they're panting with their foreheads pressed together as they try to catch their breath.

"Well, that was quite nice." Louis smiles.

Harry pecks his lips. "Don't talk bad about the body carrying my child. Which I find very hot by the way."

Louis smiles up at Harry. "Well, hot stuff, take this body to the doctor so we can look at our baby."

Harry smiles and reaches out for Louis' hand as he leads him out of the house. The drive to the doctor's office is rather boring. The check-in process always seemed tedious to Louis but Harry never seems to mind. Filling out the form as if he doesn't have a care in the world. When Louis finally gets called back he almost forgot how cold the jelly was. He takes a sharp breath when it first hits the skin peeking out from his rolled-up shirt. Harry's holding his hand and he can feel the light squeeze when the monitor clicks on.

"Well, there's your baby." The nurse says pointing at the screen. She clicks a few buttons on her keypad and the image starts moving.

The second Louis can see his baby moving he starts crying. Louis' trying not to but he reaches his hands to cover his eyes and he feels Harry pull him closer to his side. The nurse is very understanding, knowing his medical history and all. Louis takes a few deep breaths and wipes at his eyes. He looks up at Harry and smiles.

"Your eyes are all puffy." Harry smiles wiping a falling tear from Louis' cheek with his thumb. His own eyes gloss over with the water he's desperately trying his best to hold back.

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