Ch 21. Part two

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Shoutout to @directioner4eves for the only one to even come close to the right answer.

But I still love you all.


My hand slipped up Louis's shirt pulling it off and over his head, I tossed it lazily onto the ground. Louis giggled as I flipped us over, putting me on top.
Louis was pulling at the end of my boxers. I was pretty sure we couldn't break the smiles even if we tried. It felt like we were falling in love all over again in this single moment.

'Yeah... We're giggling like idiots right now...' They both smiled at the thought.

"Why so eager?" I giggled, lightly pressing our lips together for a split-second.

Louis shifted underneath me, "Because." Louis smiled before pecking my lips like I did to his, "Trust me, you'll be happy that we did this tonight."

"Oh, and why is that?" I teased, "I'm always happy when I get to fuck you dirty."

Louis smiled and pressed our lips together again, tongue meeting for a brief second before we both pulled away.

"You just love me for my body." Louis giggled.

"Not true." I thought for a moment, "Although I do love your curves." I said rubbing my hands up his sides, "And your inhumanly beautiful ass... Your stomach that's beyond perfect and turns me on sweetly. I love you for more then all that... even though your body is what I love to prod, lick, suck and grab." I gripped his hips to give him that pleasureful effect from what I had said.

Louis giggled, "I love it when your hands are on me." Louis said pressing our lips together, this time making the kiss last longer and deepen further before breaking apart.

"So, you still haven't told me why you want me so bad, I mean, beside my over-average sized dick."

Louis laughed and rolled us over so he was laying on my chest, and his thighs on each side of me.

"You're a bit cocky there Styles." I gave him a look, "Oh. You know what I mean!"

We both giggled, "So, what is it."

Louis shrugged and gave me an evil little flirtatious smile, "Learned something from Niall today s'all."

"Oh and what would that be."

Louis leaned in and whispered in my ear, "That something good is going to come out from you fucking me hard and deep." Louis whispered popping the 'p'.

I couldn't help but grab his ass and rock our hips together. Louis leaned back and smiled at me.

"So, stop talking and put your mouth to better use."

"That's not fucking you." I pointed out, giving him that 'cocky' smile he likes so much.

"I don't want you to fuck me." Louis said leaning closer to me until he was by my ear again,

"I want you to ruin me."


Okay. Let's try this again with different wording....

Chapter question:

What do you think is the good thing that could come from Harry fucking Louis?

*Bonus* good for a shoutout.*

What did Louis learn when he took the test with Niall.


Niall told him he would know all about his fertility cycle watch means Niall know when he's fertile... so what did Louis learn that made him want to fuck Harry tonight so bad?

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