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Louis can feel the sun warming his skin as it peeks through the curtains. He feels the comforter curve around his waist and up to his back, leaving his shoulder exposed. He feels Harry's broad chest press up against his back, he feels Harry run his hands up his arms. He feels Harry press small kisses into his shoulder. Louis hums and he leans back into Harry's embrace.

"Hmm, you look so good." Harry hums.

Louis keeps his eyes closed as a smile creeps onto his face. Harry sucks love bites up Louis shoulder until he reaches his neck. Louis stretches out to give Harry more room.

"Feels food." Louis mumbles.

Louis feels Harry lick the back of his ear. Louis moans.


Louis stops when he hears crying. Louis opens his eyes and the room is pitch black besides the window letting the moonlight in. The sun gone as the rain pours down. The crying gets louder.

"Harry?" Louis turns around to see that Harry's not there.

Thunder cracks hard, lighting filling the room. Louis spins back around. Louis sits up and pushes the sheets off of him. Louis looks to the nightstand to see the baby monitor dialling up as the cry's continue. Louis swings his legs around the side of the bed. When his feet touch it's like a shot of ice up his spin. Louis lessons to the thunder as he stands and crosses the room. Louis pushes open the bedroom door. Looking down the hallway.

"Harry?" Louis calls out. 

Nothing responds but the thunder outside as the storm rages on. Louis hears the crying intensify. Louis walks down the hallway down towards the nursery. He hears the crying get louder as he reaches the cracked door. He can see the lightning filling the room from the crack. Louis pushes the door open.

"Harry?" Louis looks inside the room. "Harry are you in here?"

Louis sees the crib and the crying gets louder and louder. Louis slowly approaches it. Louis stops when he sees something dripping into a pile on the floor. Louis swallows hard. He glances into the crib.

"Theo." Louis cries out as he sees his bloody broken son in his crib.

Everything goes quiet.

"You killed him."

Louis spins around to see Harry standing there. Everything around them is now black, the room going.

"Harry." Louis Breaths out.

"You're an omega. Your only purpose is to protect him!" Harry yells. "You killed our son."

Louis shakes his head. "No. No, Harry, I couldn't-he was I'll."

"You killed him! Useless omega!" Harry lunges at him.

Louis shoots up, gasping for air. He's coughing and he can't breathe.

"Louis?" Harry groans, sitting up turning on the bedside lamp.

Louis catches his breath when he can see his surroundings. Harry's sitting up now. He pulls Louis to his chest.

"Did you have the dream again? Louis, it's been three months since the wedding, maybe you should talk to someone."

"I'm fine Haz, I swear," Louis assures. He leans up to peck Harry's lips. "Let's just go back to sleep, ya?" Louis tries.

Harry sighs but turns the light back off. Louis lets Harry hold him back into his arms. Louis lays there as he stares out the bedroom window. He lays there for a good hour, making sure Harry is asleep before he slips out of the bed. Louis walks over to the doors and slips down the hall. Louis walks down to the room that keeps appearing in his dreams. He takes a deep breath before he opens the door.

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